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  1. Pietro Bembo was born in 1470 in Venice to an ancient patrician family, being son of humanist Bernardo Bembo.He traveled to various cultural centers as Florence, Messina, Padova, Ferrara, Urbino and Rome, becoming a prestigious literary scholar as well as author, deeply involved in the active network of humanists in Renaissance Italy.

  2. Pietro Bembo nacque a Venezia il 20 maggio 1470 da una grande famiglia patrizia. Studiò greco dal 1492 al 1494 a Messina alla scuola di Costantino Lascaris, quindi filosofia a Padova e a Ferrara. A Ferrara nel 1497, al seguito del padre ambasciatore, come poi a Mantova e a Urbino, conobbe le corti, nelle quali vigeva un particolare rapporto ...

  3. Obra de Pietro Bembo (1470-1547), iniciada hacia 1497 y publicada en 1505 con una dedica­toria a Lucrecia Borgia. En Asolo, corte de Catalina Cornaro, reina de Chipre, se celebran los esponsales de una dama. En jornadas, algunos gentilhombres vene­cianos — Perottino, Gismondo y Lavinello — con otras tantas damas hablan de amor.

  4. Bembo a Máltai lovagrend habitusában ( ifj. Lucas Cranach) Pietro Bembo 1470. május 20-án született egy velencei arisztokrata családban. Apja, Bernardo Bembo (1433–1519) diplomata és államférfi, kultúrember volt, aki Itália irodalmával foglalkozott, és Ravennában emlékművet állított Dante Alighierinek (1265–1321). [8]

  5. › enciclopedia › pietro-bemboPietro bembo _ AcademiaLab

    Pietro Bembo, OSIH. (latín: Petrus Bembus; 20 de mayo de 1470 - 18 de enero de 1547) fue un erudito, poeta y teórico literario italiano que también fue miembro de los Caballeros Hospitalarios y cardenal de la Iglesia Católica Romana. Como intelectual del Renacimiento italiano (siglos XV-XVI), Pietro Bembo influyó mucho en el desarrollo del ...

  6. 28 de oct. de 2022 · Pietro Bembo was a humanist, writer, and poet. The author of the Prose della volgar lingua (1525), a work that set the standard of written Italian for the centuries to follow, he was also the editor of fundamental editions of Petrarch and Dante. A refined Latin poet as well as the official historian of Venice, Bembo contributed to spreading ...

  7. 27 de jun. de 2017 · Pietro Bembo (b. 1470–d. 1547) was born into an aristocratic Venetian family, one in which his father Bernardo ensured that he received an excellent humanistic education. His earliest works were grounded in his knowledge of Latin and Greek, but, in conjunction with Aldus Manutius, one of the most famous scholar-printers of his day, he ...