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  1. In 1944–45, as the Russian front moved closer to the Kingdom of Romania, the Bukovina Germans who were forcefully settled in Polish areas (like the remaining German population), fled westward or wherever they could manage. Some remained in what was to be East Germany while others went to Austria.

  2. ocultar. Los Buffalo Germans en 1903. Los Buffalo Germans fueron un equipo de baloncesto estadounidense fundado en 1895 por miembros de YMCA de la ciudad de Buffalo, en el Estado de Nueva York. Está considerado uno de los primeros equipos de baloncesto de la historia, desapareciendo en 1925.

  3. German (German: Deutsch) is a West Germanic language. It is spoken in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg; natively by around 100 million people. It is the most widely spoken mother tongue in the first language. There are some people who speak German in Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Northern Italy.

  4. Los hermanos Wright, Wilbur ( Millville, Indiana, 16 de abril de 1867- Dayton, Ohio, 30 de mayo de 1912) y Orville ( Dayton, Ohio, 19 de agosto de 1871-30 de enero de 1948), fueron dos aviadores, ingenieros, inventores y pioneros de la aviación estadounidenses, generalmente nombrados en conjunto, y reconocidos mundialmente como los que ...

  5. Jerman ( Jerman: Deutschland , pelafalan dalam bahasa Jerman: [ˈdɔʏtʃlant] ), secara resmi disebut sebagai Republik Federal Jerman ( Jerman: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ) adalah negara berbentuk federasi di Eropa. Negara ini memiliki posisi ekonomi dan politik yang sangat penting di Eropa maupun di dunia.

  6. History Before 1914 United States Pre-independence Era. In the Pennsylvania Colony during British America, Anglo-Americans held much anti-German sentiment. The sentiments against the Palatine settlers, commonly referred to as the Pennsylvania Dutch (or Pennsylvania Germans), were deeply rooted in cultural biases and economic competition.

  7. Culture of Germany. The culture of Germany has been shaped by major intellectual and popular currents in Europe, both religious and secular. German culture originated with the Germanic tribes, the earliest evidence of Germanic culture dates to the Jastorf culture in Northern Germany and Denmark.