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  1. Hace 4 días · Por otra parte, el 4 de julio ha sido fecha de muerte de otros célebres personajes de la historia. Uno de los ejemplos es Marie Curie, la física y química polaca, ganadora de dos premios Nobel, que fallecería en este día de 1934 a causa de los largos años dedicados a la investigación en su laboratorio. Allí forjó conocimientos que, sin ...

  2. Hace 2 días · The reporter, John T. Lambert, said that, when he was interviewing Coolidge a week after the funeral, the president again broke down at the mention of Calvin’s name. Five years after the death ...

  3. Hace 4 días · Address at the Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 05, 1926. Calvin Coolidge: 30th President of the United States: 1923 – 1929. Fellow Countrymen: We meet to celebrate the birthday of America. The coming of a new life always excites our interest.

  4. Hace 4 días · President Calvin Coolidge celebrated the 150th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1926, with a speech providing a magisterial review of the history and thought underlying...

  5. Hace 3 días · Accordingly, Ronald Reagan selected a philosophical soulmate: Calvin Coolidge. Remember Coolidge if you ever need to know, for a trivia question, which president’s birth date is a federal holiday. Coolidge, the only president born in Vermont, entered this world on July 4.

  6. Hace 4 días · Convendría reivindicar a Coolidge. Por cierto, a quienes fantasean con que el liberalismo nunca puede ser popular les podemos recordar que el pueblo respaldó siempre a Calvin Coolidge. Se presentó a varias elecciones: representante y luego senador de Massachusetts, alcalde de Northampton y gobernador de Massachusetts, y vicepresidente y presidente de los Estados Unidos.

  7. Hace 3 días · In the weeks before Calvin’s death, Coolidge had been nominated by the Republican Party to serve as its nominee during the 1924 election. Coolidge was elected that year, but his heart wasn’t really in it anymore. When the 1928 election came around, no one could convince him to run for a new term. Did he blame himself for his son’s death?