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  1. Character List. The Warden (Ms. Walker)—the terrifying woman who runs Camp Green Lake. Stanley Yelnats (Caveman)— Holes’s main character; a fat, innocent, good-hearted boy. The guard—a man ...

  2. Chapters 16-17 Summary. The next day, the Warden watches the boys dig again. Again she makes some of them sift through dirt while the others dig. Stanley keeps thinking about the place where they ...

  3. 20-ago-2023 - Leah🫧 descrubrió este Pin. Descubre (y guarda) tus propios Pines en Pinterest.

  4. A summary of Chapters 8–12 in Louis Sachar's Holes. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of Holes and what it means. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans.

  5. zigzag holes armpit squid zero magnet x-ray cavemen xray campgreenlake stanley stanleyyelnats twitch warden barfbag holesmovie mrsir camp princessyumyum pendanski ...

  6. Zigzag x stanley. 1.4K 12 6. by namelessfnaf. Stanley's POV: I felt sweat drip down my face. Almost all the d tent boys had finished there holes for today, except for me and ... zigzag. Not only does zigzag terrify me he's also really attractive. I scooped the last shovel full of dirt out and started to attempt to get out of the hole.