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  1. Walking with Beasts: Operation Salvage is a PC-ROM tie in to the series Walking with Beasts. It was only released in Europe. Human Unidentified WWB Agent Vega Gastornis Godinotia Leptictidium Propalaeotherium Ambulocetus Andrewsarchus Catopithecus Embolotherium Moeritherium Dorudon Basilosaurus Entelodon Indricotherium Smilodon The game is set in 2027 where time travelers are sent to different ...

  2. Mammoth Journey is the final episode of Walking with Beasts. It follows the journey of a herd of Woolly mammoths through prehistoric Europe in the Late Pleistocene (30,000 YA). The narrator reveals that the world's climate is starting to deteriorate, bringing on an ice age. This means all animals, even the mighty Woolly mammoth are struggling. One of the herd falls through a pond concealed by ...

  3. Sabre Tooth is the 5th episode of Walking with Beasts and follows Half-Tooth and his clan now ruled by The Brothers. The fifth episode shows the strange fauna of the isolated continent of South America and explores the effects of the Great American Interchange, which had happened 1.5 million years earlier. Since South America had drifted apart from Antarctica 30 million years ago, many unique ...

  4. Basilosaurus was a large, predatory whale from the Eocene. It was the top predator in the Tethys ocean during its existence. Measuring over 18m (60 feet) in length and weighing approximately 15 tons, Basilosaurus was a large, carnivorous whale. It had a very large skull with strong jaws, which were lined with large teeth used to severely injure its victim. It also had a streamlined, serpentine ...

  5. Sea turtles are modern marine reptiles. Sea turtles, along with other turtles and tortoises, are part of the order Testudines. The seven living species of sea turtles are: flatback sea turtle, green sea turtle, hawksbill sea turtle, Kemp's ridley sea turtle, leatherback sea turtle, loggerhead sea turtle and olive ridley sea turtle. All species except the leatherback are in the family ...

  6. The Eocene was an epoch in Earth's history. During that point in time, the birds had become the top predators on Earth since the absence of the dinosaurs. The mammal, though small during the early Eocene, eventually rose above the birds and diversified. During the early Eocene, most of the Earth was surrounded in dense forests. In these large areas of vegetation, mammals were unable to grow ...

  7. The Brothers were a pair of Smilodon who appeared in the fifth episode of Walking with Beasts. Together, they served as the episodes main antagonists. The Brothers were initially introduced as nomads, who had recently wandered into the territory of the episodes main protagonist and fellow Smilodon Half-Tooth. As the pair threatened to usurp Half-Tooth's position as his clans alpha male and ...