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  1. Also known as. English. Auguste von Harrach. second wife of Frederick William III of Prussia. Countess Auguste von Harrach. Countess Auguste von Harrach zu Rohrau und Thannhausen.

  2. Combined with my work as a journalist, I provide lectures and workshops to students on journalism and political reporting, and moderate conferences, events and debates. I am the co-founder of a Brussels-based choir managing rehearsals and concerts in Belgium and around Europe.

  3. In a crypt beneath the memorial hall that is closed to the public are the tombs of Frederick William III’s second wife – Auguste von Harrach, Princess of Liegnitz – and Prince Albert, the youngest son of Luise and Frederick William III, as well as the heart of Frederick William IV, whose body is buried in Potsdam’s Friedenskirche (Church of Peace).

  4. Dating from c.1828, the miniature depicts Augusta, daughter of Count Ferdinand von Harrach and his first wife, Johanna von Rayski, several years after her morganatic marriage, in 1824, to Frederick William III, King of Prussia. She was created Princess of Liegnitz and Countess of Hohenzollern on her marriage.

  5. 23 de feb. de 2014 · En 1824 Federico Guillermo III se casó (morganáticamente) con la Condesa Augusta von Harrach, Princesa de Liegnitz. Federico Guillermo III murió en Berlín el 7 de junio de 1840, sucediéndole su hijo mayor Federico Guillermo IV de Prusia.

  6. Auguste von Harrach Liegnitz, Auguste von 1800-1873 Augusta (księżna legnicka ; 1800-1873) Auguste von Harrach Ehefrau von König Friedrich Wilhelm III. von Preußen Auguste von Liegnitz, 1800-1873 Liegnitz, Auguste von, Fürstin, 1800-1873 Auguste, Princess of Liegnitz, consort of Frederick William III, King of Prussia, 1800-1873

  7. Auguste von Harrach, Fürstin von Liegnitz 1800-1873 Vous pouvez consulter également - PS : Je ne peux garantir les informations contenues dans cette généalogie : essayez de recouper par ailleurs et indiquez moi les erreurs.