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  1. Abu Sa'id est mort sans héritier ni successeur désigné, laissant ainsi l'Ilkhanat vulnérable. Cela a conduit à des affrontements entre les grandes familles, comme les Chupanids , les Jalayirids , et de nouveaux mouvements comme les Sarbadars. À son retour en Perse, le grand voyageur Ibn Battuta fut étonné de découvrir que le royaume qui semblait si puissant vingt ans auparavant s ...

  2. 1 de abr. de 2024 · Said ibn Zayd, companion of the Prophet Muhammad and brother-in-law of Umar, died in 671 CE (51 AH). This occurred during the reign of Muawiyah I. His death took place in al-Aqiq, located near Medina. Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqas and Abdullah ibn Umar are reported to have carried his body back to Medina for burial. The article tells the story of Sa'id ...

  3. Abu Sa'id Sa`d ibn Malik ibn Sinan al-Khazraji al-Khudri was one of the younger Companions of the Prophet Muhammad and was an Ansari from the original inhabitants of al-Madinah. Too young to fight at Uhud in 625 where his father Malik ibn Sinan fell, he participated in subsequent campaigns. Although he traveled to Syria once to visit the Umayyad caliph Mu`awiyah, he otherwise resided in al ...

  4. 5 de feb. de 2024 · Penutup: Abu Sa’id al-Khudri, Cahaya dalam Kehidupan Islam Beliau adalah contoh nyata seorang sahabat yang setia mendampingi dan mengabdi kepada Rasulullah SAW. Dedikasinya terhadap Islam, ketekunannya dalam menuntut ilmu, serta keberaniannya dalam menyebarkan ajaran Islam menjadi inspirasi bagi generasi setelahnya.

  5. Khālid ibn Saʿīd ibn al-ʿĀṣ ( Arabic: خالد بن سعيد بن العاص; d. 634 CE), also known as Abu Sa'id, was a companion to the Islamic prophet Muhammad and a general under the Rashidun Caliphate. [1] He was one of the members of Banu Umayya of the Quraysh tribe. [1] Khalid converted to Islam before 613 CE along with his ...

  6. In Il-Khanid dynasty. His son and successor, Abū Saʿīd (reigned 1317–35), reconverted to Sunni Islam and thus averted war. However, during Abū Saʿīd’s reign, factional disputes and internal disturbances continued and became rampant. Abū Saʿīd died without leaving an heir, and with his death the unity of the dynasty was fractured.

  7. 1 de may. de 2020 · Bahkan Syaikh Abu Isma’il ‘Abdullah al-Anshari al-Harawi yang dikenal dengan sebutan Syaikh al-Islam menyatakan dengan tegas tentang kedudukan rohani beliau: “Hampir saja Syaikh Abu Sa’id al-Kharraz itu menjadi seorang nabi kalau dilihat dari sisi derajatnya yang sangat tinggi. Beliau adalah seorang imam agung di jalan kerohanian.”.