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  1. 播报. 编辑. 亚当·比德. 乔治·艾略特 (1819~1880),原名玛丽·安·伊万斯(Mary Ann Evans),后借用了情人乔治·亨利·刘易斯的名字取了笔名。. 艾略特出生于 沃里克郡 的乡村,父亲是农场管事。. 1828到1835年,她先后在两所宗教色彩很浓的女子寄宿学校求学 ...

  2. Sinopsis de ADAM BEDE. "Adam Bede" fue la más vendida y leída de las novelas de George Eliot, pseudónimo de la escritora Mary Ann Evans. Sus relatos y novelas figuran entre lo más escogido de la literatura victoriana. En esta novela, la autora quiso trasladar fielmente a sus lectores una realidad histórica que combinaba el ambiente ...

  3. "Adam Bede" fue la más vendida y leída de las novelas de George Eliot, pseudónimo de la escritora Mary Ann Evans. Sus relatos y novelas figuran entre lo más escogido de la literatura victoriana. En esta novela, la autora quiso trasladar fielmente a sus lectores una realidad histórica que combinaba el ambiente shakesperiano de la Inglaterra rural con la épica miltoniana reavivada por la ...

  4. › literature › aAdam Bede - CliffsNotes

    Character Analysis Adam Bede. Adam is an intelligent but not well-educated rural carpenter who feels that he understands "the natur o' things." For him, life is very simple; he believes that the world operates according to certain rather mechanistic principles which never change and that, likewise, one's life should be lived according to ...

  5. Adam Bede, the first novel written by George Eliot (the pen name of Mary Ann Evans), was published in 1859. It was published pseudonymously, even though Evans was a well-published and highly respected scholar of her time.

  6. First published in 1859, Adam Bede carried its readers back sixty years to the lush countryside of Eliot's native Warwickshire, and a time of impending change for England and the wider world. Eliot's powerful portrayal of the interaction of ordinary people brought a new social realism to the novel, in which humour and tragedy co-exist, and fellow-feeling is the mainstay of human relationships.

  7. Adam Bede follows four characters in the rural village of Hayslope in 1799. It opens with the Bede brothers, Adam and Seth, at work in a carpentry shop. The other men tease Seth about his Methodism and the fact that he is in love with Dinah, the Methodist preacher. Dinah preaches in Hayslope that night and captivates even her skeptical audience.

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