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  1. Arthur James Balfour Oversat til dansk: Udenrigsministeriet 2. november 1917. Kære Lord Rothschild Jeg har den store glæde på regeringens vegne at overbringe Dem følgende deklaration af sympati med jødiske zionistiske aspirationer, som er blevet overgivet til, og godkendt af, kabinettet

  2. The Balfour Declaration was a public pledge by Britain, declaring its aim to establish "a national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine. The statement came in the form of a letter from Britain's then-foreign secretary, Arthur Balfour, addressed to Lionel Walter Rothschild, a figurehead of the British Jewish community. But the declaration ...

  3. Arthur James Balfour was elected to Parliament in 1874 and acted as private secretary to his uncle, Lord Salisbury, leader of the Conservative Party. He was Secretary of State for Scotland, then Chief Secretary for Ireland and leader of the House of Commons before taking over as Prime Minister in 1902.

  4. 1 de nov. de 2017 · Zur Startseite. Eine "nationale Heimstätte für das jüdische Volk" versprach die Erklärung des britischen Außenministers Arthur Balfour vom 2. November 1917. Sie ist nur 67 Worte lang - und ...

  5. La Declaración Balfour fue una manifestación formal pública del gobierno británico durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, para anunciar su apoyo al establecimiento de un «hogar nacional» para el pueblo judío en la región de Palestina, que en ese entonces formaba parte del Imperio otomano. La Declaración fue incluida en una carta firmada por el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores británico ...

  6. BALFOUR, ARTHUR JAMES(1848–1930) Arthur James Balfour, the first earl of Balfour, was born at Whittingehame, Haddington, East Lothian. He was the son of a Scottish landowning family and was connected, through his mother, with the aristocratic house of Cecil.

  7. Arthur James Balfour was born on July 25, 1848, at Whittingehame House, East Lothian, Scotland, the eldest son of James Maitland Balfour (1820–1856) and Lady Blanche Gascoyne-Cecil (1825–1872). His father was a Scottish MP, as was his grandfather James; his mother, a member of the Cecil family descended from Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of ...