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  1. Warren G. Harding tuvo delles amantes a lo llargo de la so vida. Una d'elles foi Nan Britton , que la so rellación permaneció un tiempu despinta. Cuatro años dempués de finar el presidente, en 1927, Britton, una muyer nacida na so llocalidá de residencia, Marion, Ohio , publicó The President's Daughter , informando que Elizabeth Ann Blaesing yera fía de Harding.

  2. Warren Gamaliel Harding, född 2 november 1865 i Blooming Grove, Ohio, död 2 augusti 1923 i San Francisco, Kalifornien, var en amerikansk republikansk politiker.Han var president 1921–1923, den förste att väljas och tjäna helt under förbudstiden och var den sjätte som avled under presidenttiden.

  3. Harding is also given some credit for his progressive views on race and civil rights. Neither a deep thinker, nor a decisive President, Harding failed, in most opinions, to impact the nation simply because he saw the role of President as largely ceremonial.

  4. For the full article, see Warren G. Harding. He became a newspaper publisher in Marion, Ohio, where he was allied with the Republican Party’s political machine. He served successively as state senator (1899–1902), lieutenant governor (1903–04), and U.S. senator (1915–21), supporting conservative policies.

  5. Warren Gamaliel Harding (2. marraskuuta 1865 – 2. elokuuta 1923) oli Yhdysvaltain 29. presidentti (1921–1923) ja maan kuudes virkakautensa aikana kuollut presidentti. Sisällys 1 Elämä

  6. 16 de sept. de 2020 · El presidente de EE UU Warren G. Harding en un partido de béisbol en Washington en 1921. AP. El presidente estadounidense Warren G. Harding, electo en 1920 y fallecido en el cargo tres años ...

  7. Warren G. Harding, an Ohio Republican, was the 29th President of the United States (1921-1923). Though his term in office was fraught with scandal, including Teapot Dome, Harding embraced technology and was sensitive to the plights of minorities and women.