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  1. Giuseppe Mazzini, né le 22 juin 1805 à Gênes et mort le 10 mars 1872 à Pise, est un révolutionnaire et patriote italien, fervent républicain et combattant pour la réalisation de l' unité italienne. Avec Giuseppe Garibaldi, Victor-Emmanuel II et Camillo Cavour, il est considéré comme l'un des « pères de la patrie ».

  2. Mazzini, Giuseppe. 978-0-344-29039-8. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work,...

  3. 11 de sept. de 2008 · Giuseppe Mazzini – Italian patriot, humanist, and republican – was one of the most celebrated and revered political activists and thinkers of the 19th century. This volume compares and contrasts the perception of his thought and the transformation of his image across the world.

  4. Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872) was a writer and political activist who strived to found a unified democratic republic of Italy. Throughout his life, he founded and supported revolutionary groups who sought to free Italy of foreign powers and unite the different states. During his lifetime, his aspirations were only partially fulfilled, and he considered himself to […]

  5. Giuseppe Mazzini nasce a Genova il 22 giugno 1805 1 nella famiglia di un noto medico e professore universitario. L’inizio della sua educazione avviene in famiglia ed è una fase destinata ad avere un grande peso nello sviluppo futuro del suo pensiero: alle lezioni di precettori giansenisti, si aggiungono quelle della madre, persona estremamente religiosa e sensibile, e quelle del padre, che ...

  6. Principalul inspirator şi conspirator în spiritul naţional şi liberal al epocii a fost, cel puţin până la momentul 1848-1849, italianul Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872). Nu numai că Mazzini dorea emanciparea popoarelor europene de sub „ordinea monarhică” instaurată la 1815, dar acesta propunea şi fondarea unei uniuni de naţiuni ...

  7. 朱塞佩·马志尼(Giuseppe Mazzini,1805年6月22日-1872年3月10日),意大利革命家,民族解放运动领袖,意大利建国三杰之一(另两位是撒丁王国的首相加富尔和号称“两个世界的英雄”加里波第)。列宁把他归为马克思主义以前的非无产阶级社会主义的代表人物。1870年,他在前往西西里领导共和党人 ...