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  1. Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg 1856. november 29-én született Hohenfinowban egy bankár és földbirtokos család gyermekeként. Strassburgban , Lipcsében és Berlinben folytatott jogi tanulmányokat, majd köztisztviselőként helyezkedett el. 1905 -ben porosz belügyminiszternek, 1907 -ben pedig a Birodalmi Hivatal belügyi államtitkárának nevezték ki.

  2. Theobald Theodor Friedrich Alfred von Bethmann Hollweg was born on November 29, 1856, in Hohenfinow, Prussia (Germany). He studied law before entering government service. He was appointed Prussian minister of the interior in 1905 and state secretary of the Imperial Office of the Interior in 1907. In July 1909 he became the German chancellor.

  3. Januar: In der Nacht vom ersten auf den zweiten Januar stirbt Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg in Hohenfinow an den Folgen einer Lungenentzündung. Das Online-Portal zur deutschen Geschichte vom 19. Jahrhundert bis heute. Epochendarstellung mit Sammlungsobjekten, Foto-, Audio- und Filmdokumenten, Biografien, Chroniken, Zeitzeugen.

  4. Hohenfinow, 29 Nov. 1856; d. Hohenfinow, 1 Jan. 1921)German; German Chancellor 1909–17 Bethmann Hollweg was the son of a German landed estate owner whose family had produced a number of gifted lawyers, and a French Swiss officer's daughter. Having studied law he decided to join the civil service where his abilities were soon recognized.

  5. 11 de dic. de 2023 · Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg. Theobald Theodor Friedrich Alfred von Bethmann-Hollweg (29 November 1856 – 1 January 1921) was a German politician who was the Chancellor of the German Empire from 1909 to 1917. Quotes [edit] Like you, I believe our most urgent task is a modus vivendi with England.

  6. Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg was born in Howenfinow, Brandenburg. After studying law he served as Prussian minister for the Interior. When Bernhard von Bulow left office in 1909, Kaiser Wilhelm II appointed Bethmann-Hollweg as Imperial Chancellor. Inexperienced in foreign affairs, he was unable to achieve conciliation with England and France.

  7. Theobald Theodor Friedrich Alfred von Bethmann Hollweg (27 November 1856 - 1 January 1921) was a German non-partisan liberal-conservative politician, Reichskanzler & Prussian Minister-President between 1909 & 1917, and one of the most influential statesmen of his time. A long-time proponent of compromising with the other great powers during the early 1910s, most prominently Britain, and ...