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  1. 100 1 _ ‎‡a Spinucci, Chiara Maria ‏ ‎‡d 1741-1792 ‏ 4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (8) 400 0 _ ‎‡a Chiara Spinucci ‏ ‎‡c nobildonna italiana ‏

  2. 6 de ago. de 2017 · Birthplace: Siena. Death: December 24, 1845 (75) Rome, Italy. Immediate Family: Daughter of Prince Francis Xavier of Saxony and Countess Maria Chiara Spinucci of Lusatia. Wife of Paluzzo Altieri, 5th Prince of Oriolo, Duke of Monterano. Mother of Clemente Altieri, 6th Prince of Oriolo; Count Augusto of Altieri and Cardinale Lodovico Altieri.

  3. El 9 de març de 1765, a Dresden, Francesc es va casar en secret morganàticament amb la italiana i dama de companyia de la seva cunyada, la comtessa Maria Chiara Spinucci. Spinucci va ser nomenada comtessa de Lusàcia el 1767, encara que la unió es va mantenir en secret fins al 1777, quan es va anunciar oficialment i va ser legitimada.

  4. Franz Xavier of Saxony (Polish language: Ksawery Saski ) (25 August 1730 – 21 June 1806) was a Saxon prince and member of the House of Wettin. He was the fourth but second surviving son of Augustus III, King of Poland and Elector of Saxony, and Maria Josepha of Austria. His older brother, the Frederick Christian, Elector of Saxony, died on 17 December 1763 after a reign of only 74 days ...

  5. 1 de may. de 2022 · Son of Prince Francis Xavier of Saxony and Countess Maria Chiara Spinucci of Lusatia Brother of Ludwig of Sachsen-Lausitz, Prince; Klara von Sachsen-Lausitz, Prinzessin; Gräfin Elisabeth von der Lausitz Princess of Saxony; Marianna von Sachsen, Principessa di Sassonia; Beatrix von Lausitz and 5 others; ; ; ;

  6. Brother of Countess Maria Chiara Spinucci of Lusatia. Education . When he was only twelve years old, in 1751, he obtained a doctorate in utroque iure , both canon and civil law, at the University of Fermo; in consequence of the controversies that followed, he studied at the University of Bologna, where he obtained a doctorate in utroque iure , both canon and civil law, on July 5, 1757.

  7. Significantly, in 1794, Cardelli executed the tomb of Maria Chiara Spinucci (1741-1792), wife of Prince Francis Xavier of Saxony (1730-1806), the sitter of the present bust. The commission probably came through the family connection with Poland. Francis Xavier was the second son of Augustus III of Poland (1696-1763).