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  1. Isabella d’Este (l. 1474-1539), was the leading lady of Renaissance Italy who funded the works of such renowned artists as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. Many of the greatest Renaissance artworks would not exist today if not for the patronage of Isabella, who is also considered the female counterpart of the "Renaissance Men" who tirelessly worked to increase their knowledge.

  2. IDEA’s Letters Platform features high-resolution images of over 28,000 letters sent and received by Isabella d'Este. Spanning from her 1490 arrival in Mantua as bride of Francesco II Gonzaga to her death in 1539, the correspondence ranges over topics from government and politics to family life, literature, art patronage and collecting, music ...

  3. Retrat d'Isabel d'Este. Retrat d'Isabel d'Este (o Isabel en negre) és una pintura realitzada en oli sobre tela pel pintor venecià Ticià, que la va crear entre 1534 i 1536. Mostra la marquesa de Màntua, Isabel d'Este (1474-1539), filla del duc Hèrcules I d'Este i d' Elionor de Nàpols. Tot i que aquí es mostra com a dona jove, Isabel tenia ...

  4. Isabel d'Este mecenas. Isabel d'Este (Florencia, 18 de mayo de 1474 - Mantua, 13 de febrero de 1539), noble italiana. Fue marquesa de Mantua y es especialmente conocida por ser una gran mecenas de las artes. Hija de Hércules I d'Este y de Leonor de Aragón, hermana de Beatriz y Alfonso , se casó con Francisco II Gonzaga, marqués de Mantua.

  5. 17 de nov. de 2014 · La hipòtesi d'En Carlo Pedretti, tal com la llegim a “Sette-Corriere della Sera”, dóna com a probable data de realització de la pintura la del 1514, any en què tant En Lleonard de Vinci com Na Isabel d’Este visitaren Roma. Cap document dóna, però, testimoni d’un fins ara hipotètic seu retrobament en aquella ocasió.

  6. Humanists, computer scientists, and digital artists at IDEA: Isabella d’Este Archive are exploring answers to these very questions through The Virtual Studiolo Project, an immersive, 3D environment inspired by two miniscule and magnificent rooms made famous in sixteenth-century Mantua by Isabella d’Este. This pair of adjoining chambers in ...

  7. 6 de dic. de 2023 · Titian, Isabella d’Este (Isabella in Black) (detail), c. 1536, oil on canvas, 102.4 cm x 64.7 cm (Kunsthistorisches Museum) This image is a lie, or at the very least, a half-truth. Painted by the Venetian artist Titian around 1536, the work is a portrait of Isabella d’Este, Marchesa of Mantua and wife of the ruler Francesco I Gonzaga.