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  1. 26 de oct. de 2016 · Abdellah merumuskan atau mengklasifikasi 21 masalah keperawatan yaitu. Untuk memahmai peran masalah sosial yang mempengaruhi munculnya suatu penyakit. Dasar dari 21 masalah keperawatan yang dikemukakan oleh Abdellah adalah 14 kebutuhan dasar menurut Virgian Henderson dan berdasarkan penelitian-penelitian. << Beranda. Referensi: Alligood, MR. 2014.

  2. The Twenty-One Nursing Problems Theory was developed by Faye Glenn Abdellah.Her model of nursing was progressive for the time in that it refers to a nursing diagnosis during a time in which nurses were taught that diagnoses were not part of their role in health care.

  3. Faye Glenn Abdellah, a nursing research pioneer and the first woman and first nurse to serve as deputy surgeon general of the United States, died on February 24 at the age of 97. In a September 1980 interview, Abdellah told AJN that her interest in nursing began after witnessing the aftermath of the 1937 Hindenburg aircraft explosion, which ...

  4. Faye Glenn Abdellah adalah pelopor peneliti keperawatan, membantu mengubah teori keperawatan, asuhan keperawatan dan pendidikan keperawatan. Dia adalah seorang pemimpin dalam penelitian keperawatan dan memiliki lebih dari seratus publikasi yang berkaitan dengan perawatan, pendidikan untuk kemajuan praktek dalam keperawatan dan penelitian keperawatan.

  5. Faye Glenn Abdellah's '21 Nursing Problems Theory' revolutionised the profession by shifting the focus of nursing from disease-centred to patient-centred, thus enhancing the holistic care approach. It also legitimised scientific research in nursing, fostering clinical decision-making based on evidence.

  6. Faye Glenn Abdellah (born 1919) dedicated her life to nursing and, as a researcher and educator, helped change the profession’s focus from a disease-centered approach to a patient-centered approach. She served as a public health nurse for 40 years, helping to educate Americans about the needs of the elderly and the dangers posed by AIDS ...

  7. Faye Glenn Abdellah fue una enfermera estadounidense que desarrolló una teoría que influyó significativamente el campo de la enfermería. Su teoría se centraba en identificar y resolver los problemas de los pacientes para satisfacer sus necesidades físicas, emocionales y sociales. Abdellah creó una tipología de 21 problemas de enfermería basada en los principios de Henderson que guiaba ...

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