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  1. Johann Encke was the son of a Hamburg pastor. During the Napoleonic Wars he served in the horse artillery, and then went as an assistant at the Seeberg Observatory. In 1825 he became Director of the Berlin Observatory, and remained in this post for 40 years, finally retiring to Spandau in 1864. Encke accomplished much useful work, and was an ...

  2. Encke next took up the work and tracked the comet until January 12. Combining the observations made between December 22, and January 12, he assigned to the body a parabolic orbit.

  3. 24 de dic. de 2016 · Encke, Johann Franz. Michael Meo has retired. Born Hamburg, (Germany), 23 September 1791. Died Spandau, (Berlin, Germany), 26 August 1865. Johann Encke was the leading German astronomer of his generation, contributing substantially to celestial mechanics, observation of the Solar System, and the professional development of the German-speaking ...

  4. 2 de oct. de 2023 · Cometa Encke 2023. El cometa periódico 2P/Encke pasará por el perihelio el 22 de octubre de 2023. En ese momento, estará a una distancia de 0.34 UA del Sol y podría brillar hasta una magnitud 6.6. Sin embargo, como el cometa estará posicionado cerca del Sol, solo será visible en el cielo matutino. Los observadores en el Hemisferio Norte ...

  5. Cometa Encke / 2P. Descubierto oficialmente por primera vez en 1786, y con un período muy corto, de 3,3 años, el cometa Encke es uno de los cometas mejor estudiados del cielo. La trayectoria elíptica del Encke va desde las afueras de la órbita de Marte hasta bien entrada la órbita de Mercurio.

  6. 31 de mar. de 2004 · This is the 59th observed passage of Comet Encke, whose appearances date back to when it was first seen by French observer Pierre Méchain in 1786. That was some five years before German mathematician Johann Franz Encke was born! The comet was “discovered” again in 1795, 1805, and 1818, and during the last of these returns Encke himself ...

  7. He wrote an obituary of Encke which was published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 26 (1865), 129 - 134. We note that "Johann Franz" has been Anglicised to "John Francis" and certain other names have also been Anglicised which we have retained. John Francis Encke, born Sept. 23, 1791, was the youngest son but one of the ...