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  1. 10 de ene. de 2014 · Con tan sólo 32 años de edad, el 11 de febrero de 1862, Elizabeth Sidal se suicidaba tomando una sobredosis de láudano mientras su marido disfrutaba de una de sus amantes. Rossetti, quizás arrepentido, tuvo un gesto romántico al hacer enterrar junto al cadáver de su esposa los poemas manuscritos que él había escrito.

  2. 3 de abr. de 2023 · Ophelia di Millais: la bellissima storia di Elizabeth Siddal, da musa ad artista anche lei. Per tutto questo tempo, nei manuali d'arte il nome di Elizabeth Siddal era relegato a una piccola ...

  3. 7 de oct. de 2022 · Elizabeth Siddal was a much-favorited model for the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, posing for such iconic pieces as John Everett Millais’ 1852 painting Ophelia. But she was also a talented artist and poet in her own right, and her tragic death was overshadowed by macabre events concerning both her mortal remains and her husband, Dante Gabriel Rossetti , seven years after she was buried.

  4. 29 de sept. de 2023 · It wasn’t long before Siddal held the interest of other members of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. One artist, in particular, found himself fascinated with the red-headed stunner's appearance— Dante Gabriel Rossetti. As the co-founder of the famed group, it wasn't long before Elizabeth took advantage of her admirer's fanciful whim.

  5. Así como Victorine Meurent fue la musa de Edouard Manet para crear su famosa pintura “Olympia”, Elizabeth Siddal fue la musa de los prerrafaelitas, quien fue famosamente retratada como la enamorada de Hamlet, Ophelia. Su historia y vida es una que se convirtió en leyenda y su belleza traspasó los límites del tiempo. Andrea Jaramillo Caro.

  6. Elizabeth Siddal fut la première muse de Dante Gabriel Rossetti et le resta pendant une grande partie de la jeunesse de celui-ci. Elle rencontra Rossetti en 1849, alors qu'elle était modèle pour Deverell, et dès 1851, elle posa pour Rossetti qui n'utilisa alors quasiment plus aucun autre modèle, l'empêchant de poser pour les autres préraphaélites.

  7. 17 de jun. de 2019 · I n Sir John Everett Millais’s well-known painting Ophelia, an otherworldly Elizabeth Siddal is depicted floating, flanked by untended foliage. Cloaked in flowers, the lifeless Shakespearean beauty limply grasps at her unraveled garland (perhaps in rigor mortis) – as an assortment of poppies, daisies, and petunias join her in death.

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