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  1. A horse and rider painted by Lady Helena Gleichen A dog painted by Lady Helena Gleichen In Dec. 1915 Lady Helena Gleichen and Mrs. Nina Hollings, who had been trained as X-ray operators and had raised private funds to purchase motor-cars fitted with X-ray apparatus, were attached as a radiographic unit to the 6th Army Corps of the 3rd Army.

  2. › collection › objectprint | British Museum

    Object Type. print. Museum number. 1931,0724.246. Title. Object: Countess Helena Gleichen as Joan of Arc. Description. Portrait of Lady Helena Gleichen; full length, standing to left, in profile; in costume as Joan of Arc, holding a sword downwards, aloft; wearing laurel wreath armour and fleur-de-lis tunic Photogravure. Producer name.

  3. Lady Helena Emily Gleichen, OBE, DStJ (1 February 1873 in London, England – 28 January 1947) was a British painter of landscapes, flowers, and animals, with a particular passion for horses. A passionate horsewoman and successful artist, the autobiographical anecdotes in the earlier part of her memoir, Contacts and Contrasts, are lively and amusing.

  4. The Lady Helena Gleichen prints and pictures below represent a small selection of works available. If you can’t see the Helena Gleichen painting that you’re looking for then please contact us on 07889 800857. Helena Gleichen, OBE, DStJ (1 February 1873 in London, England, UK – 28 January 1947) aka Lady Helena Emily Gleichen, was a British ...

  5. Helena Gleichen (Lady Helena Emily Gleichen; 1. února 1873, Londýn – 28. ledna 1947, Cam) byla britská malířka krajin, květin a zvířat, se zvláštní vášní pro koně. Během první světové války sloužila jako řidička sanitky a rentgenoložka ve Francii a Itálii, kde získala hodnost majora.

  6. Sa sœur, Lady Helena Gleichen, devient portraitiste. Le 15 décembre 1885, la circulaire de la Cour annonce la permission de la reine à la mère de Feodora de partager le rang de son père à la cour de Saint-James, et désormais ils sont connus sous le nom de Son Altesse Sérénissime prince et de princesse Victor de Hohenlohe-Langenbourg.

  7. Her sister, Lady Helena Gleichen, became a portrait painter. On 15 December 1885, the Court Circular announced the Queen's permission for Feodora's mother to share her father's rank at the Court of St James , and henceforth they were known as TSH Prince and Princess Victor of Hohenlohe-Langenburg.