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  1. INTRODUCTION by Herbert F. Vetter My work as a Harvard chaplain for 20 years was nourished by the new world view of Charles Hartshorne, a Harvard educated philosopher and scientist described by Encyclopædia Britannica as “the most influential proponent of a ‘process philosophy’ which considers God a participant in cosmic evolution.”.

  2. 15 de sept. de 2017 · Charles Hartshorne was educated at Harvard University, where he coedited with Paul Weiss the first six volumes of The Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce (1931--36) and became associated with Alfred North Whitehead. He has taught at Harvard, the University of Chicago, Emory University, and the University of Texas-Austin.

  3. Charles Hartshorne is a careful, rigorous, and creative thinker. When he begins to turn an idea, as a potter turns a wheel, he turns it not just once, or twice, but over and over again, looking at it from various angles. I almost said all angles, but as Hartshorne would surely remind me, that is the divine perspective.

  4. 23 de jul. de 2001 · Charles Hartshorne (pronounced Harts-horne) is considered by many philosophers to be one of the most important philosophers of religion and metaphysicians of the twentieth century. Although Hartshorne often criticized the metaphysics of substance found in medieval philosophy, he was very much like medieval thinkers in developing a philosophy that was theocentric.

  5. Hartshorne’s stated purpose in Man’s Vision of God (1941) is to add precision and logical rigor to discussions of theism.Citing the eleventh-century archbishop St. Anselm of Canterbury’s definition of God as “that than which nothing greater can be conceived,” Hartshorne notes that various meanings can be given to the concepts of “nothing” and “greater than.”

  6. Charles Hartshorne ( 5 juni 1897 - 9 oktober 2000) was een prominente Amerikaanse filosoof die zich voornamelijk bezighield met godsdienstfilosofie en metafysica. Met zijn neoklassieke metafysica wilde hij een alternatief leveren voor de middeleeuwse (klassieke) metafysica van de scholastiek. Hierin bleef God een centrale positie innemen, maar ...

  7. Abstract. Charles Hartshorne was one of the most important metaphysicians and philosophers of religion in the twentieth century. His process theism or neoclassical theism is noteworthy regarding nonhuman animals in three ways.