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  1. Weimaraners zouden voor het eerst stelselmatig aan het Hof van Weimar, waar Groot Hertog Karl August resideerde, gefokt zijn. Het ras lijkt echter veel ouder te zijn, aangezien zowel qua bouw als kleur op Weimaraners gelijkende honden reeds te zien zijn op kunstwerken van veel oudere datum, zoals een schilderij van Van Dijck uit 1631 en een schilderij van Antonis Morr uit 1549.

  2. Pelo largo en la inserción de la oreja. En la punta de las orejas se permite un pelo aterciopelado. Largo del pelo a los costados de 3-5 cm. En la parte inferior del cuello, antepecho y abdomen por lo general un poco más largo. Buenas plumas y pantalones, aunque más cortos hacia la parte inferior.

  3. Weimaraners are loving and loyal dogs, who never want to leave your side. They are intelligent and energetic making them great for training tricks, playing with in the backyard and going for a jog. Often Weimaraners are described as goofy or boisterous. Weims are well known for their development of strong bonds with their humans.

  4. Health problems. Weimaraners are extremely prone to a life-threatening digestive syndrome called bloat, which can kill a dog in just a few hours. Joint and bone problems, eye diseases, bleeding disorders, and cancer also make this breed a bit risky in the health department. Read more about Weimaraner Health.

  5. 12 de dic. de 2023 · Worauf es bei dieser anspruchsvollen Rasse sonst noch alles ankommt, wie die Entstehungsgeschichte, Rassemerkmale, Erziehungsthemen, Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten, Gesundheit, Pflege, Ernährung und Haltebedingungen aussehen, könnt ihr nun in umfassender Form, in der Rassebeschreibung des Weimaraners nachlesen.

  6. 31 de ago. de 2023 · Weimaraner. The Weimaraner is a large, all-purpose hunting dog known for its gray-silver coat. The dog is famous for its loyalty and strength. This dog originated in the 19th century in the city of Weimar (in modern-day Germany) and was developed for hunting purposes. Weimaraners were used to hunt big animals, like bears and deer, but then, as ...

  7. Weimaraners have a high prey drive due to the fact that they were bred to hunt. If you live with small animals such as cats or lap dogs, you need to spend a lot of time teaching your Weimaraner to be calm in their presence. Feed your dog treats for sitting nicely and keep them on a leash until you can trust them 100%. 2.

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