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  1. Holger Stark. Holger Stark (Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c.) (nacido el 15 de septiembre de 1962 en Bassum) es un farmacéutico alemán y profesor universitario en la Universidad Heinrich Heine de Düsseldorf 1 . Stark es coinventor del ingrediente activo Pitolisant (Wakix®, Ozawade®) 2 , el único antagonista de los receptores de histamina H 3 aprobado ...

  2. Alquiler de habitaciones cerca de la Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf El barrio más elegido para alquilar habitaciones para estudiantes cerca de esta Universidad es el de Wersten. Está alejado del centro de la ciudad, pero tiene buena conexión en transporte público.

  3. Welcome to the Haus der Universität (“University House”)! The Haus der Universität is Düsseldorf’s window on science. As part of Heinrich Heine University, we aim to foster exchange between science and society through a wide range of events. Here you can gain insights into the latest scientific findings, discuss current challenges in ...

  4. Course content. The Heinrich Heine University offers a bachelor’s degree in economics with a standard study period of six semesters during which you can choose between two specialisations: competition and regulation or international financial markets. Culminating in a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree, these study programmes impart the ...

  5. 3 de nov. de 2023 · Studying Medicine in Düsseldorf. Changing demands, expectations and structures in our society, as well as developments within the healthcare system, are constantly placing new demands on future physicians. The influence of digitalization, the immense increase in knowledge in medicine and options that change almost daily as a result also ...

  6. Por la noche, los sábados, domingos y festivos, el S-Bahn S11 pasa cada 30 minutos. El recorrido hasta la estación central de Dusseldorf dura tan sólo 12 minutos. Billete para el S-Bahn. Un billete para el S-Bahn cuesta 3,40 € para adultos y 1,90 € para niños con edades comprendidas entre los 6 y 14 años (Preisstufe A3).

  7. 21 de may. de 2024 · Egyptian artefacts, an aphorisms archive, fashion journals, flyers and newspapers on the history of the 19th century, older holdings from the library of the Düsseldorf Art Academy – our collections are extremely diverse. Allow yourself to be inspired!