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  1. The Hofburg is the former Habsburg dynasty rulers‘ main imperial palace and today serves as the Austrian President’s official residence and a workplace. Located in the middle of Vienna , it was constructed in the 13th century and subsequently extended several times.

  2. 3 imperial attractions on 1 ticket: Schönbrunn Palace + Sisi Museum plus the Imperial Apartments in the Vienna Hofburg + the Vienna Furniture Museum – you save 25%! 3 locations. Audioguide. Adults: € 49.00 | Children (from age 6): € 33.00. Find out about all our tickets at the Sisi Museum at the Hofburg in Vienna.

  3. 24 de nov. de 2020 · Hofburg Imperial Palace, often known simply as “the Hofburg”, is a grand palace in Vienna and was under the ownership of the Austro-Hungarian Habsburg Dynasty until 1918, when it passed to the Austrian Republic. Today it is a buzzing network of museums, restaurants and halls as well as the seat of the President of Austria.

  4. Het Hofburg in Wenen is het hele jaar geopend. Bekijk hieronder de openingstijden. September tot en met juni. 9.00 – 17.30 uur. Juli & augustus. 9.00 – 18.00 uur. De kassa van het Hofburg slut het hele jaar om 16.30 uur. Met uitzondering van juli en augustus. In die zomermaanden is de uiterste entreetijd 17.00 uur.

  5. Hofburg (Innsbruck) El Hofburg ( Palacio Imperial) es un palacio Habsburgo en Innsbruck, Austria, considerado uno de los tres edificios más significativos culturalmente en el país, junto con el Hofburg de Viena y el Palacio de Schönbrunn, también en Viena. El Hofburg es el edificio principal de un complejo residencial antiguamente usado por ...

  6. El Wiener Hofburg del siglo XIII en el centro de Viena es el complejo palaciego más grande del mundo. Como antigua residencia y antiguo centro de poder de los Habsburgo, es testigo del pasado imperial de la antigua monarquía del Danubio como casi ningún otro edificio y, por lo tanto, es uno de los lugares de interés más importantes de Viena.

  7. 6 de ene. de 2024 · This is the ultimate guide to visiting the Hofburg Palace complex, a magnificent treasure trove of history and culture in Vienna. Immerse yourself in the grandeur of the imperial staterooms, museums, the Spanish Riding School, and the glitter and bling of the imperial treasury. This Hofburg Palace guide tells you everything to see and gives you tips for visiting.

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