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  1. George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff was born around 1872 in Alexandropol, in the Caucasus Mountains, the crossroads between Eastern Europe and Western Asia. At an early age, he was exposed to many different cultures, religions, and beliefs. His youthful passion of searching for universal truth attracted others.

  2. International Review Fall 2013 Issue, Vol. XII No. 1. Welcome to the Gurdjieff International Review—a source of informed essays and commentary on the life, writings, and teachings of George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff.

  3. George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff (c. 1866–1949), with Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831– 1891) and Rudolf Steiner (1851–1925), is one of the three core teachers of modern esotericism (Hunt 2003: 225–50), and is often credited as a seminal inspiration for New Age spirituality (Wellbeloved 2005).

  4. L'Institut Gurdjieff de Belgique Het Instituut Gurdjieff van Belgi ...

  5. George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff Film Trilogy. T he film trilogy of Mr. Gurdjieff's life and teaching was begun in 1996 as a Gurdjieff Legacy Foundation group project and completed in 2003. The aim was to work consciously and intentionally on a demanding and complex task to create a tribute to Gurdjieff and his teaching.

  6. George Gurdjieff startled the European intelligentsia with a comprehensive psychological, philosophical, and cosmological teaching of ancient origin.

  7. George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff ou George S. Georgiades nasceu entre 1866 e 1870 na cidade de Alexandrópolis, na província de Kars, Rússia, e faleceu em Paris aos 29 dias de outubro de 1949. Teve uma vida completa de busca e transmissão do conhecimento oculto, muito bem retratada no filme e no livro "Encontro com Homens Notáveis" (Ed.