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  1. Sep 5, 2023 - Prince George Alexandrovich Yuryevsky was the natural son of Alexander II of Russia by his mistress , Princess Catherine Dolgorukova. The morganatic marriage of George's parents on 6 July 1880, eight years after his birth, resulted in the legitimation of their three surviving children, and George gained the style of Serene Highness.

  2. Le Très-Haut Prince George Alexandrovich Yuryevsky est diplômé du Condorcet College et a fait ses études supérieures à la Sorbonne. En 1891, il obtint un baccalauréat, rentra en Russie et devint officier de la marine. Georgy Alexandrovich Yuryevsky a servi pendant plusieurs années dans la flotte de la Baltique.

  3. Prince George Alexandrovich Yuryevsky (12 May 1872 – 13 September 1913) he married Countess Alexandra von Zarnekau on 11 February 1900 and they were divorced in 1908. They had one son. Princess Olga Alexandrovna Yurievskaya (7 November 1873 – 10 August 1925) she married Count Georg of Merenberg on 12 May 1895. They had three children.

  4. Serguei Alexandrovich ( 29 d'abril de 1857 (xul.) , Tsárskoye Seló (es) – 4 de febreru de 1905 (xul.) , Moscú ).yera fíu d' Alexandru II y de María de Hesse, y tíu de Nicolás II de Rusia, que tamién yera'l so cuñáu. Ente 1891 y 1905, foi gobernador xeneral de Moscú. Yera un conservador radical, polo que la so política tresformólu ...

  5. Prince George Yuryevsky - jasna potvrda ove tradicije. Prva osoba s tim imenom rođena je 1872. godine u St. Petersburgu. Njegov otac bio je sadašnji car Alexander II, a njegova majka bila je morganata supruga cara, princeza EM Dolgorukaya. George Alexandrovich Yuryevsky rođen je izvan braka i do 1874. godine nije imao nikakvih prava i naslova.

  6. > Stammbaum > Hochzeit 2013 > Instagram: Princes Yourievsky > Instagram: HSH Princess Elikonida > Youtube: Ich trage einen grossen Namen, SWR, Fernseh Serie

  7. Vladimir Aleksandroviĉ. Lia Imperiestra Alteco Granda duko Vladimir Aleksandroviĉ (22-a de aprilo 1847 - 17-a de februaro 1909) - tria filo de imperiestro Aleksandro la 2-a, membro de Ŝtata konsilo (1872), senatano (1868), generalo-adjutanto (1872), generalo de infanterio (1880). Li estis edzo de Maria Aleksandrina de Mecklenburg-Schwerin .