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  1. Harrow School (w skrócie: Harrow) – prywatna szkoła średnia dla chłopców, położona w Harrow, dzielnicy Londynu. W szkole Harrow nauki odbywały się od 1243 , ale za oficjalną datę założenia szkoły przyjmuje się rok 1572 [2] .

  2. A school that values courage, honour, humility and fellowship is a school at its best: one deserving of the name ‘Harrow’ and one to which we aspire. Alastair Land, Head Master, attended Manchester Grammar School where he was School Vice-Captain.

  3. aisl 哈罗北京成立于2005年。作为一个充满活力的社区,学校传承于拥有450余年历史的英国哈罗公学,并与曼谷、香港、上海、深圳、海口和日本安比的哈罗国际学校共同组成哈罗海外成员联盟。

  4. At Harrow Bengaluru, we are dedicated to shaping the leaders of tomorrow through a comprehensive global education. Harrow School is recognised as the alma mater of numerous heads of state and we envisage Harrow Bengaluru holding a similar stature, preparing students for successful careers in diverse industries and professions.

  5. Read the full text of the speech, Never Give In, Never, Never, Never, given at Harrow School on Octoer 29, 1941 by Winston Churchill.

  6. Join us at Harrow International School Bengaluru, opened in Aug 2023 for students aged 11-18. Experience the excellence of the Harrow Family in India with boarding & day options

  7. 唯一無二の英国式全寮制インターナショナルスクール ハロウ安比校は、本校である英国ハロウスクールさながらの英国式全寮制教育が受けられる学校です。数あるハロウインターナショナルスクールの中でも唯一、全寮制の環境で学べる学校と […]