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  1. Horatio Gates era fill d'una parella al servei de Peregrine Osborne, segon duc de Leeds, a Maldon ( Essex, Anglaterra) el 1727 . Gates rep el diploma de tinent de l'exèrcit britànic el 1745. Serveix a Alemanya durant la Guerra de Successió Austríaca, i posteriorment és promocionat a capità de les tropes provincials de Nova Escòcia el 1753 .

  2. 11 de abr. de 2023 · Washington’s first adjutant general, Horatio Gates, does not have a secure place in historical memory as either hero or villain. In the beginning of the war, Gates was Washington’s right-hand man and a successful army administrator. Subsequently Gates achieved the war’s most decisive early victory at Saratoga on October 17, 1777 ...

  3. 9 de nov. de 2009 · After the disastrous loss at Camden, Gates was removed from command and replaced by Nathanael Greene (1742-86). A second clash at Camden, the Battle of Hobkirk’s Hill, took place on April 25, 1781.

  4. 6 de nov. de 2017 · Horatio Gates Spafford fue un devoto presbiteriano y exitoso abogado americano que nació el 20 de Octubre de 1828 en Troy, New York. Él es mejor conocido como el escritor del famoso himno cristiano "Estoy bien"; cuyas letras, aun hoy en día, son usadas por el Dios de toda consolación para traer paz a muchos…

  5. 27 de jul. de 2022 · Horatio Gates is called the “Coward of Camden” because he made tactical errors at the Battle of Camden that led to the defeat of the American army and around 2,000 casualties, including the death of Baron de Kalb. Afterward, Alexander Hamilton accused Gates of cowardice and abandoning his army. Who replaced Horatio Gates?

  6. 17 de nov. de 2022 · Born on July 26, 1727, in Maldon, England, Horatio Gates came to America at the age of twenty-two as a volunteer with the governor of Nova Scotia, Edward Cornwallis. In 1754, Gates rose to the position of captain and fought during the French and Indian War, suffering a wound during Major General Edward Braddock's defeat in western Pennsylvania in 1755.

  7. 13 de mar. de 2024 · The Conway Cabal is often associated with Thomas Conway, Horatio Gates, and Thomas Mifflin, and is believed to have been supported by Samuel Adams and Benjamin Rush. However, it is unknown if these individuals were involved in a coordinated plot to replace Washington, or if they simply disapproved of his command style.