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  1. 4 de oct. de 2022 · La reina Margarita II de Dinamarca se negó a dar marcha atrás y confirmó que despojará de los títulos reales a sus nietos La monarca anunció que a partir del 1 de enero, los cuatro hijos del ...

  2. La abdicación de la reina Margarita II de Dinamarca fue un hecho acontecido el 14 de enero de 2024, coincidiendo con el 52.º aniversario de su ascenso al trono y dos años después que tuviera lugar su jubileo de oro. Su hijo mayor, el príncipe heredero Federico de Dinamarca, la sucedió como rey Federico X de Dinamarca.

  3. Margrethe married Henri Marie Jean André (1934–2018), Count de Laborde de Monpezat, in 1967, later Prince Henrik of Denmark. The couple had two sons, Crown Prince Frederik (X) (born 1968) and Prince Joachim (born 1969). On January 14, 1972, she ascended the Danish throne as Queen Margrethe II.

  4. 31 de dic. de 2023 · The 83-year-old underwent extensive back surgery in February. Margrethe II has today confirmed she will abdicate as the Danish Queen cites health concerns as key reason behind decision. The Queen of Denmark will step down on January 14 after 52 years on the throne. She confirmed her eldest son Crown Prince Frederik will succeed her on the throne.

  5. 14 de ene. de 2024 · Denmark’s King Frederik X gestures as he and Queen Mary greet the crowds on the balcony, after the proclamation, at Christiansborg Palace, in Copenhagen, Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024. Denmark’s prime minister proclaimed Frederik X as king after his mother Queen Margrethe II formally signed her abdication.

  6. 31 de dic. de 2023 · Queen Margrethe II announced her surprise abdication in a new year TV address on Sunday. She will formally step down on 14 January 2024, 52 years to the day since she became queen Pictures subject ...

  7. › en › the-royal-familyHM The Queen - Kongehuset

    Family. The Queen is the youngest daughter of John Dalgleish Donaldson, who was born in Scotland on 5 September 1941. He is a Professor of Applied Mathematics. The Queen's mother was Mrs. Henrietta Clark Donaldson, born 12 May 1942. The couple were married in Edinburgh, Scotland on 31 August 1963 and emigrated to Australia in November that year.

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