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  1. The Germanic peoples are a linguistic and ethnic branch of Indo-European peoples. They came from Northern Europe and are identified by their use of the Germanic languages. During the migration period Germanic peoples spread throughout Europe, mixing with existing local populations (like Celts, Slavs/Vends, and Romans ). They eventually formed the basis of many nations. These nations are ...

  2. Stereotypes of Germans include real or imagined characteristics of the German people used by people who see the German people as a single and homogeneous group.

  3. Letonia. [ editar datos en Wikidata] Los alemanes del Báltico (en alemán: Deutsch-Balten o Baltendeutsche) eran alemanes étnicos de la costa oriental del mar Báltico, territorios que hoy conforman los países de Estonia y Letonia. Formaron la élite comercial, política y cultural de esa región por varios siglos, e incluso varios de ellos ...

  4. German grammar. The grammar of the German language is quite similar to that of the other Germanic languages . Although some features of German grammar, such as the formation of some of the verb forms, resemble those of English, German grammar differs from that of English in that it has, among other things, cases and gender in nouns and a strict ...

  5. Alemanes del Cáucaso. Alemanes del Cáucaso (en alemán: Kaukasiendeutsche) 1 son alemanes étnicos asentados en la zona del Cáucaso, primeramente cerca de Tiflis 2 en la primera mitad del siglo XIX. La región del Cáucaso está comprendida hoy día por parte de los territorio de las actuales Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaiyán y Rusia.

  6. El Hospital Universitario Germans Trias i Pujol es un centro sanitario público ubicado al pie de la Sierra de la Marina, en el municipio de Badalona. Está construido sobre unos terrenos de propiedad municipal, que antiguamente eran una finca llamada Can Ruti, nombre como se conoce popularmente al hospital. El nombre oficial del hospital le ...

  7. Crimea Germans. The Crimea Germans ( German: Krimdeutsche, Russian: крымские немцы, romanized : krymskiye nemtsy) were ethnic German settlers who were invited to settle in the Crimea as part of the Ostsiedlung ("East Settlement").