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  1. In a 1950 letter, choreographer Katherine Dunham mentions trouble keeping dancers with her troupe “[i]n spite of the fact that we are the only non-subsidized professional group that has remained self-supporting over these years, and in spite of the fact that we are loved and respected all over the world and work more weeks out of the year than any other dance group in existence.”

  2. 6 de jun. de 2015 · Katherine Dunham’s Harlem Renaissance 1948 (videos) June 6, 2015. In 1948, Katherine Dunham opened and directed the Katherine Dunham School of Dance and Theatre near Times Square in New York City after her dance company was provided with rent-free studio space for three years by an admirer, Lee Shubert; it had an initial enrollment of 350 ...

  3. ABOUT DUNHAM’S DATA. Dunham’s Data is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC AH/R012989/1, 2018-2022), under the direction of Kate Elswit (PI, University of London, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama) and Harmony Bench (CI, The Ohio State University). We are thrilled that our team — Bench, Elswit, Antonio Jimenez ...

  4. 6 de jun. de 2021 · Au milieu des années 1940, Dunham retourne à New York et ouvre la Dunham School of Dance and Theatre, la première de nombreuses écoles Dunham. En 1946, l’école est agrandie et rebaptisée Katherine Dunham School of Arts and Research.

  5. Später wurde die Tanzgruppe in Katherine Dunham Dance Company umbenannt. 1945 eröffnete Dunham die Dunham School of Dance and Theatre. Eine ihrer berühmtesten Schülerinnen war Eartha Kitt. 1963 wurde sie als erste Afroamerikanerin Choreographin an der Metropolitan Opera in New York.

  6. Katherine Dunham, (pseudonyme Kaye Dunn) née à Glen Ellyn ( Illinois) le 22 juin 1909 et morte à New York le 21 mai 2006, est une danseuse, chorégraphe, anthropologue, militante du mouvement des droits civiques, écrivaine, parolière et actrice afro-américaine de renommée internationale.

  7. 25 de abr. de 2018 · In 1945, Dunham opened and directed the Katherine Dunham School of Dance and Theatre near Times Square in New York. A generation of stars received tuition there, including James Dean, Shelley ...