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  1. John Seymour roared through life. He had enough adventures for a dozen people and wrote more than 40 books describing and elaborating on his experiences and ideas. John had, some might say, a privileged upbringing. Born into a wealthy family he was sent to various private schools where he failed to be educated for a 'proper' job.

  2. John Seymour machte in England einige Schulwechsel durch und kam schließlich in der Schweiz auf ein Internat. Später begann er auf dem College Agrarwissenschaft zu studieren. Nach der Arbeit auf verschiedenen Bauernhöfen zog er mit 20 Jahren nach Afrika, um dort auf Farmen zu arbeiten und zu reisen.

  3. 14 de sept. de 2004 · John Seymour was an idealist - he had a vision of a better world where people aren't alienated from their labours. As a young man, he travelled all over Africa and fought in Burma in World War II. Returning penniless to England, he lived in a trolley bus and on a Dutch sailing barge before settling on a five-acre smallholding in Suffolk to lead ...

  4. 4 de sept. de 2018 · For over 40 years, John Seymour has inspired thousands to make more responsible, enriching, and eco-friendly choices with his advice on living sustainably. The Self-Sufficienct Life and How to Live It offers step-by-step instructions on everything from chopping trees to harnessing solar power; from growing fruit and vegetables, and preserving and pickling your harvest, to baking bread, brewing ...

  5. 2017. John Seymour bringt mit seiner mehr als 29-jährigen Pro-Erfahung und seiner effektiven Unterrichtsmethode Golfer in kurzer Zeit auf ein höheres Spielniveau. Die ersten zwei Saisonen sind entscheidend für das Leben eines Golfers. Das erlernen einer soliden Schwungtechnik legt den Grundstein für Lebenslange Freude am Sport.

  6. John Seymour (John Seymour es un icono de la vida autosuficiente y la autogestión del trabajo en el campo. Fue un maestro que predicó con el ejemplo: él mismo gustaba de aprender y enseñar constantemente acerca de las labores en el campo, en la huerta, del cuidado del ganado, de la elaboración de utensilios y demás quehaceres de una casa 'autosuficiente'.

  7. About John Seymour. (born in 1914- died 2004) As soon as John finished school he left England to live in Africa where he worked as a veterinary office, miner and fisherman. During the second world war he fought in Ethiopia and Burmah. After the war John returned to England where he lived and worked on a sailing barge before becoming a ...

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