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  1. Lady Constance Georgina Bulwer-Lytton (12 janvier 1869, 2 mai 1923) est une écrivain britannique, suffragette et militante des réformes carcérales, du droit de vote des femmes et de la contraception. Elle utilisa le pseudonyme de Jane Warton 1 .

  2. Constance Lytton, 1908. Lady Constance Georgina Bulwer-Lytton (* 12.Februar 1869 in Wien; † 2. Mai 1923 in London), meist bekannt als Constance Lytton, war eine einflussreiche britische Suffragetten-Aktivistin, Schriftstellerin, Rednerin und Kämpferin für Gefängnisreformen, Frauenwahlrecht und Empfängnisverhütung.

  3. Constance Georgina Bulwer-Lytton. Lady Constance Georgina Bulwer-Lytton (Vienna, 12 gennaio 1869 – Londra, 2 maggio 1923) è stata una nobildonna e scrittrice inglese, nonché una suffragetta e attivista per il voto alle donne, usando il nome di Jane Warton

  4. Lady Constance Bulwer-Lytton disfressada com a Jane Warton, durant la manifestació de 1910 de les sufragistes a Liverpool. El gener 1910, convençuda que els presoners més pobres són maltractats, Constance va a Liverpool disfressada de Jane Warton, una modista londinenca. És detinguda després d'haver tirat un pedra a un cotxe, tancada a la ...

  5. SUFFRAGETTE, LADY CONSTANCE GEORGINA BULWER- LYTTON - Holloway Prison Born in 1869, in Vienna, Austria. Although she was raised as member of the privileged, ruling class elite within British Society, she rejected this background to join the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU), the most militant group of Suffragette activists, campaigning for "Votes for Women".

  6. Lady Constance Georgina Bulwer-Lytton (12 February 1869 – 2 May 1923), usually known as Constance Lytton, was an influential British suffragette activist, writer, speaker and campaigner for prison reform and votes for women. She used the name Jane Warton to avoid receiving special treatment when imprisoned for suffragist protests.

  7. 17 de feb. de 2011 · Prisons and Prisoners. : Lady Constance Bulwer-Lytton (1869-1923), granddaughter of writer Edward Bulwer Lytton, became a passionate and militant suffragette after visiting imprisoned activists in 1905. She was arrested twice in 1909, on one occasion for throwing stones at a ministerial car, but was soon released.