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  1. Lucrezia Donati. Detail des Gemäldes Fortezza ( Tapferkeit) von Sandro Botticelli. Es wird vermutet, dass das Gemälde von Lucrezia inspiriert wurde. Lucrezia Donati (* 1447 in Florenz; † 1501 ebenda) war eine italienische Adelige und platonische Liebe von Lorenzo de’ Medici (1449–1492), dem Stadtherren von Florenz.

  2. Lucrezia foi fía de Manno Donati y de Caterina Bardi, foi una dama florentina [2] perteneciente a una familia de caña estinguida, siendo la última descendencia de la mesma. Dende 1461 foi amante de Lorenzo'l Magnifico, [2] un amor platónico que taba en boga naquel momentu, anque, por temes d'Estáu, Lorenzo casóse cola noble italiana ...

  3. Biographie. Lucrezia est la fille de Manno Donati et de Caterina Bardi. Elle entretient une relation d'amour Platonique avec le jeune Laurent de Médicis de 1461 jusqu'au mariage de celui-ci avec Clarisse Orsini. Le jeune Médicis a écrit des poèmes en son honneur lorsqu'il était adolescent. Lucrezia était mariée avec Niccolò Ardinghelli.

  4. A remarkable person in her own right, the author of religious poems and sacred narratives, as well as an accomplished businesswoman, Lucrezia was the mother of Lorenzo the Magnificent, the grandmother of two popes, and the great-great grandmother of Catherine de' Medici, Queen of France.

  5. Lucrezia, along with Simonetta Vespucci and others form the subject of Charles Dempsey's The Portrayal of Love: Botticelli's "Primavera".[21] As Dempsey demonstrates, contemporary views of Lucrezia Donati show tensions between the poetic ideal and the reality of chastity and marital fidelity.

  6. Donati, Lucrezia. Summary. This is a marble bust made by Giovanni Bastianini in Florence, Italy in about 1865. The bust purports to represent Lucrezia Donati, the mistress of Lorenzo the Magnificent. Its style is a pastiche of that of the Florentine 15th century sculptor Mino da Fiesole, and at its first appearance it was declared to be the ...

  7. Lucrezia Donati, interpretata da Laura Haddock, è una dei protagonisti della serie televisiva Da Vinci's Demons, in cui viene proposta una relazione segreta fra lei e Leonardo Da Vinci. Nella serie anglo-italiana I Medici Lucrezia è interpretata dall'attrice italiana Alessandra Mastronardi .