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  1. Biblia de Borso d'Este. La Biblia de Borso d'Este o Breviariu de Ercole ye una biblia, allumada sobre pergamín, un manuscritu de la primer renacencia, realizáu en Ferrara mientres los años 1455-61 por encargu de Borso d'Esti (1413 - 20 d'agostu 1471 ), primer duque de Ferrara dende 1450 hasta la so muerte.

  2. Borso d'Este (1605 – 28 December 1657) was an Italian general, a member of the ducal House of Este. He was the son of Cesare d'Este, Duke of Modena and ...

  3. This canvas depicting Borso d’Este is not particularly accurately done and therefore only partially reflects the characteristics of Baldassarre's portraits, which were distinguished by a meticulous naturalistic rendering of detail inspired by Flemish models.

  4. Borso és especialment famós gràcies a la Bíblia de Borso d'Este, que duu el seu nom, una de les més famoses obres de miniatura a la Itàlia renaixentista, i que fou encarregada el 1455 . Borso morí el 19 d'agost de 1471 a la ciutat de Ferrara, i sense hereus coneguts deixà com a successor el seu germanastre Hèrcules I d'Este . Precedit per:

  5. Borso d'Este was created duke of Ferrara in 1471 by the pope. He also was duke of Modena and Reggio, created by Emperor Frederick III. View more.

  6. The column of Borso d’Este dates back to 1452: a squat bi-chrome marble column built as the base for a statue of the duke on his throne. Along with the monument to Marquis Niccolò III, it marks the entrance to what was historically the ducal court, through the “Volto del Cavallo” (the Horse’s Vault) archway. It was damaged by a fire ...

  7. Borso d'Este’s rule is one of relative tranquility in external affairs and of a generally benevolent though strongly self-serving tyranny in local government. Since he stayed in power more than twice as long as Leonello, Borso had time to carry out several political projects that left lasting impressions on the history of Ferrara.