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  1. It was love that brought Leonard “Boogie” Weinglass to Aspen in the early 1980s. He had fallen in love with a Baltimore woman named Gabrielle Pepper, who said she’d marry him if he would move to Aspen. His rags-to-riches story as a hard-knock kid of a single mother in a poor Baltimore neighborhood who ended up a self-made millionaire ...

  2. Leonard Weinglass was the workhorse of the defense, tirelessly putting in long hours preparing for each day of testimony. Weinglass generally avoided the highly charged rhetoric of his co-counsel, Bill Kunstler. J. Anthony Lukas applauded Weinglass for, nearly alone among trial participants, maintaining "a semblance of decency."

  3. 24 de mar. de 2011 · But as an upright man, A comrade, A friend. Antonio Guerrero, the Cuban Five. Leonard Weinglass, preeminent civil rights attorney and. fighter for justice whose defense history includes the Chicago 8, Daniel. Ellsberg, Mumia Abu-Jamal and the Cuban Five, died on March 23 of cancer. Known as Len to all, the last picture taken of him was in.

  4. 24 de mar. de 2011 · El abogado norteamericano Leonard Weinglass, representante legal de Antonio Guerrero e incansable luchador por la causa de los Cinco, murió esta tarde en Nueva York, confirmaron a Cubadebate personas allegadas a él. Weinglass, que no logró recuperarse de una operación para extirparle un cáncer, nació en 1933. Se graduó como abogado en 1958 en la Escuela de Leyes de Yale, y algunos de ...

  5. 12 de jul. de 2016 · For half a century, criminal defense lawyer Leonard Weinglass defended a who’s who of the twentieth-century left in some of America’s most spectacular trials. “The typical call I get is one that starts by saying, ‘You’re the fifth attorney we’ve called,’” he once said. “Then I get interested.”

  6. 30 de sept. de 2011 · North Africa erupted in the final days of the life of renowned movement attorney Leonard Weinglass. As images of men and women filling the streets of Cairo scrolled across the television monitor ...

  7. 6 de abr. de 2022 · NLG Leonard I. Weinglass Memorial Fellowship 2024 Announcement and Application Instructions Leonard I. Weinglass (1933-2011) was a criminal defense attorney and constitutional law advocate. Over the course of his career, he represented political activists, government opponents, and criminal defendants— including Angela Davis, the Cuban Five, the Chicago Seven, the Pentagon Papers defendants ...