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  1. Franz Moritz, count von Lacy. 0 references. Freebase ID /m/0624q3. 1 reference. stated in. Freebase Data Dumps. publication date. 28 October 2013. Hrvatska ...

  2. Franz Moritz von Lacy (ur. 21 października 1725 w Petersburgu, zm. 24 listopada 1801 w Wiedniu) – austriacki polityk i marszałek polny, przewodniczący Nadwornej Rady Wojennej - Hofkriegsratu od roku 1766 do 1774 .

  3. Franz Moritz Graf[1] von Lacy (English: Francis Maurice de Lacy, Russian: Boris Petrovich Lassi; 21 October 1725 – 24 November 1801), was the son of Count Peter von Lacy and was a famous Austrian field marshal. He served during the reign of Maria Theresa and was a close friend to Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor, becoming one of the latter's advisers. Lacy was made a Count of the Holy Roman ...

  4. Franz Moritz von Lacy gróf, (Franz Moritz Graf von Lacy), vagy Lascy (Szentpétervár; 1725. október 21. – Bécs, 1801. november 24.) német birodalmi gróf, orosz, majd porosz szolgálatban álló tisztviselő, majd osztrák katonatiszt, tábornagy, több dinasztikus háború jeles császári hadvezére, 1768–1774 között az Udvari Haditanács elnöke.

  5. 26 de abr. de 2022 · Austrian field marshal Franz Moritz Graf von Lacy or Lascy 1725 – 1801, was born at St Petersburg to Count Peter Lacy, a Russian Field Marshal who belonged to an Irish family that had followed the exiled James II. Franz Moritz was educated in Germany for a military career before entering the Austrian service.

  6. Franz Moritz Graf von Lacy was a Baltic German-born Austrian military leader, he was the son of Count Peter von Lacy and was a famous Austrian field marshal. He served during the reign of Maria Theresa and was a close friend to Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor, becoming one of the latter's advisers. Lacy was made a Count of the Holy Roman Empire.

  7. Altri progetti Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons contiene immagini o altri file su Franz Moritz von Lacy Collegamenti esterni [modifica | modifica wikitesto] (EN) Franz Moritz, count von Lacy , su Enciclopedia Britannica , Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Predecessore Feldmaresciallo del Sacro Romano Impero Successore Carlo Maria Raimondo d'Arenberg 1766 Pietro Leopoldo d'Asburgo-Lorena ...