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  1. Frances Shand Kydd. Hon. Frances Ruth Burke Shand Kydd (geborene Roche, * 20. Januar 1936 in Sandringham, Norfolk, England; † 3. Juni 2004 auf Seil, Schottland) war die Mutter von Diana, Princess of Wales sowohl auch die Großmutter von William, Prince of Wales und Harry, Duke of Sussex .

  2. 1 de ene. de 2004 · Max Riddington, Gavan Naden. This is the story of the fascinating life of the Honourable Mrs. Frances Shand Kydd, mother to one of the most famous women in the world, Princess Diana. It features exclusive interviews and previously unseen photographs, and details the many similarities between the lives of Frances Shand Kydd and her daughter ...

  3. Frances si separò da Shand Kydds nel giugno del 1988 dopo che il marito l'aveva abbandonata per una donna più giovane. Peter Shand Kydd morì nel 2006. Dopo questo secondo matrimonio fallito, Frances si rinchiuse ancora di più in sé stessa e si dedicò alla sua passione per la pesca.

  4. Frances Shand Kydd retired into private life, but was propelled into the public eye when the press began to focus on Diana as a potential royal bride in the autumn of 1980.

  5. 16 de nov. de 2023 · Princess Diana’s mother was Frances Shand Kydd. Frances was born as Frances Ruth Burke Roche January 20, 1936, the same day that King George V, Queen Elizabeth II’s grandfather, died.