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  1. 9 de nov. de 2021 · On November 9, 1885, German mathematician, theoretical physicist and philosopher Hermann Weyl was born. Weyl was one of the most influential mathematicians of the 20th century. His widely varied contributions in mathematics linked pure mathematics and theoretical physics. He made significant contributions to quantum mechanics and the theory of ...

  2. Hermann Weyl Hermann Klaus Hugo Weyl Matemático alemán Nació el 9 de noviembre de 1885 en Elmshorn. Cursó estudios en la Universidad de Gotinga con David Hilbert. Dio clases en el Politécnico de Zurich, donde también lo hacía Albert Einstein.

  3. Hermann Weyl was known as Peter to his close friends. His parents were Anna Dieck and Ludwig Weyl who was the director of a bank. As a boy Hermann had already showed that he had a great talents for mathematics and for science more generally. After taking his Abiturarbeit (high school graduation exam) (see [17]) he was ready for his university ...

  4. Hermann Weyl’s work in mathematics was wide ranging, covered many fields, including integral equations, harmonic analysis, analytic number theory, and the foundations of mathematics. Weyl was also an influential figure in 20th century physics in the areas of relativity, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics.

  5. 赫尔曼·外尔(Hermann Weyl,1885年11月9日—1955年12月8日),出生于德国汉堡附近的埃尔姆斯霍恩,数学家、物理学家,美国艺术与科学院院士,美国国家科学院院士,生前是普林斯顿高等研究院名誉教授。赫尔曼·外尔于1904年进入德国哥廷根大学攻读数学;1908年获得哥廷根大学博士学位;1910年担任哥 ...

  6. Desde 1904 a 1908 estudió matemática y física tanto en Göttingen como en Múnich. Su doctorado lo obtuvo en la Universidad de Göttingen bajo la supervisión de David Hilbert a quien admiraba mucho. Su unificación de la geometría y la teoría de funciones conduce a conceptos modernos en áreas como la topología; su teoría incorporaba ...

  7. Hermann Weyl (/ v a ɪ l /), né le 9 novembre 1885 à Elmshorn et mort le 8 décembre 1955 à Zurich, est un mathématicien et physicien théoricien allemand du XX e siècle. Il fut le premier, dès 1918 , à combiner la relativité générale avec l' électromagnétisme en développant la géométrie de Weyl (ou géométrie conforme ) et en introduisant la notion de jauge .