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  1. Jean Siméon Chardin (often in his lifetime also called Jean Baptiste Siméon Chardin) [1] was born in Paris in 1699 and spent his entire life there. Such a parochial existence was unusual for an artist of Chardin's critical, official, and international reputation. His life was essentially uneventful, if such a statement is appropriate to a man ...

  2. Summary of Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin Few artists in history have painted inanimate objects with such intricacy or luminosity so as to incite emotional reactions. With a less than straightforward trajectory to fame and success, and his name all but forgotten by the time of his death, Chardin's later rediscovery cemented his reputation as one of the most celebrated of all still life painters.

  3. 夏尔丹(ChardinJean-Baptiste-Siméon1699~1779),全名让·西梅翁·夏尔丹,法国画家。出生于巴黎,去世于同地。他是法国18世纪市民艺术的杰出代表,早年在P.-J.卡泽的画室学习,后来成为N.-N.科伊佩尔的助手。1728年,他的静物画《鳐鱼》一展出就名声大噪,被皇家学院接纳为院士。他的画能赋予静物 ...

  4. 2 de jul. de 2024 · Imitator of Jean-Siméon Chardin When this small still life was given to the National Gallery in 1888, it was believed to have been painted by Chardin. However, within 20 years there were already doubts about its authenticity.For a while it was thought that François Bonvin, or one of his contemporaries, had painted the picture,...

  5. Jean Siméon Chardin French. ca. 1733–34. On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 629. From a glass of soapy water, a young man blows a bubble, its iridescent, translucent surface caught in the sunlight. A child peers eagerly over the ledge without breaking the atmosphere of silent concentration. In earlier Northern European painting, this ...

  6. Jean Siméon Chardin (* 2. November 1699 in Paris; † 6. Dezember 1779 ebenda), fälschlicherweise auch schon zu seinen Lebzeiten Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin genannt, war der große Individualist unter den französischen Malern des 18.

  7. El niño de la peonza (L’enfant au toton), 1738,Jean Siméon Chardin. (París, Museo del Louvre) Esta exquisita pintura fue presentada en el Salón de 1738. Se trata del retrato de Auguste Gabriel, hijo del joyero parisino Charles Godefroy jugando al juego de la peonza (en francés toton). El «toton» es una peonza de marfil que se lanza ...

  1. Búsquedas relacionadas con Jean Siméon Chardin

    jean-baptiste-simeon chardin