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  1. Catholicism primarily designates the faith, doctrine, practice and system of the Catholic Church. It may also refer to: Catholicity, the core set of beliefs of various Christian denominations. Christian denominations and movements including: Anglo-Catholicism, a religious movement of the Anglican Communion. Affirming Catholicism, a religious ...

  2. › wiki › CatholicismCatholicism - Wikipedia

    Catholicism haes twa main meanins, described in Webster's Dictionar as: 1) "the faith o the Roman Catholic Kirk , or adherence tharetil." 2) "the hail orthodox christian kirk , or adherence tharetil"; an the term comes frae the Greek adjective καθολικός-ή-όν (katholikos), meanin "general" or "universal".

  3. Official website. Holy See. The Catholic Church is the largest Christian church in the world. It has over one billion members, and is the world's largest religious group. [5] [6] Its members believe that Jesus Christ started the Catholic Church 2,000 years ago. The Church’s headquarters are in the Vatican City.

  4. › wiki › CatolicismCatolicism - Wikipedia

    Catolicism. Pentru alte sensuri, vedeți Biserica Catolică. Catolicismul (din greacă καθολικός, katholikos, „atoatecuprinzător”) este un sistem doctrinar exprimat în teologia latină și tradiția Bisericii Catolice. Catolicismul se bazează pe textele Sfintei Scripturi și pe deciziile a 21 de concilii ecumenice.

  5. The Catholic Church began with Jesus Christ and his teachings. It is a continuation of the early Christian community established by the Disciples of Jesus. The Church believes its bishops to be the successors to Jesus's apostles and the Church's leader, the Bishop of Rome (also known as the Pope ), to be the only successor to Saint Peter who ...

  6. modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata. Le catholicisme est la religion des chrétiens reconnaissant l’autorité du pape et des évêques en communion avec lui, notamment pour l’établissement de leur doctrine, sa transmission et l’organisation de leur culte. L’Église catholique considère que tout baptisé dans l’Église ...

  7. Traditionalist Catholicism is a movement that emphasizes beliefs, practices, customs, traditions, liturgical forms, devotions and presentations of teaching associated with the Catholic Church before the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965). [1] [2] Traditionalist Catholics particularly emphasize the Tridentine Mass, the Roman Rite liturgy ...