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  1. Free online speedcubing algorithm and reconstruction database, covers every algorithm for 2x2 - 6x6, SQ1, Pyraminx and Megaminx

  2. Algorithms for COLL

  3. CubeDB is an online reconstruction tool for solving Rubik's Cube puzzles.

  4. Algorithms for Advanced F2L. Both Pieces Trapped. 0/18

  5. Created by the Badoo BI tech team CubeDB lets us explore tens of millions of incoming events live. The database keeps all of it's data in memory and is designed to do one thing only: answer simple queries about the number of data points in partition intervals really fast, i.e. within tens of milliseconds. CubeDB operates on Cubes.

  6. React client to CubeDB JavaScript 10 GPL-3.0 3 1 12 Updated Feb 20, 2023. homicide-report Public JavaScript 0 1 0 16 Updated Dec 10, 2022. cubedb Public

  7. Friendship ended with, now CubeDB is my best friend OBS: Just to be clear - as a Computer Science teacher, i'm against autocompletion for reasoning of over-reliance. I think that there should be some critical mass of knowledge, analyze and creativity which autocomplete tools would be counter-intuitive.