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  1. › wiki › EvenorEvenor - Wikipedia

    Evenor, a Greek painter who flourished around 420 BC, the father and teacher of the better-known painter Parrhasius of Ephesus. [7] Evenor, a Greek surgeon and medical author who lived in or before the 3rd century BC and apparently wrote about fractures and joint dislocations ; if he is the same as an Evenor quoted by Pliny the Elder , he also wrote about the medicinal properties of plants.

  2. Le prénom Evenor est d'origine grecque et a une signification particulière. En effet, ce prénom dérive de la mythologie grecque, où Evenor était un personnage légendaire, père de Clitonyme et grand-père de Leucippe, qui étaient tous deux des argonautes. Le prénom Evenor est donc associé à la noblesse, à la bravoure et à l'aventure.

  3. EVENOR Joaillerie vous propose des bijoux de joaillerie et montres de marques vintage strictement sélectionnés aux meilleures conditions.

  4. A EVENOR – Espaços Verdes do Norte, Lda. está em atividade desde fevereiro de 2007 e afirma-se cada vez mais como uma das empresas mais qualificadas no ramo da jardinagem e desenvolvimento de green places. Trabalhamos diretamente com clientes particulares, grandes empresas e diversos municípios. Na EVENOR privilegiamos os seus interesses e ...

  5. Evenor (Ancient Greek: Εὐήνωρ) is the name of a character from the myth of Atlantis and of several historical figures. In the Critias, a work of the Greek philosopher Plato, a man named Evenor is described as the ancestor of the kings who ruled the lengendary island of Atlantis. According to the account given by Plato's character Critias, Evenor was among the original inhabitants of ...

  6. Siinne õpikeskkond on väga õpilassõbralik ning õpetajad teavad oma aineid hästi. Minu unistus minna välismaale õppima poleks ilma Evenori abita teoks saanud. Juba 3 aastat olen selle ettevõttega tuttav olnud ning olen lõpmata tänulik Antoninale, kes kogu selle aja jooksul aitas mind suuresti eesmärgi saavutamisel.

  7. Evenor was one of the autochthons (primeval quasi-deities), [2] the "offspring of the soil", [3] and an Atlantean god known as Lord of the Water-Spirits. [1] He was also the father of Cleito, mothered by Leucippe. When Neptune claimed Atlantis, he married Cleito, and they fathered the ten first kings of Atlantis, [4] ten gods who ruled in the ...