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  1. Peso. 140-190. kg lbs. Longitud. 1.7-2. m ft. La foca pía, foca arpa o foca de Groenlandia ( Pagophilus groenlandicus ), es una especie de mamífero pinnípedo de la familia Phocidae, que habita en el Océano Atlántico Norte y el Océano Glacial Ártico. En inglés se le llama harp seal (en español «foca arpa»). No.

  2. 17 de jul. de 2013 · The effects of climate change on high latitude regions are becoming increasingly evident, particularly in the rapid decline of sea ice cover in the Arctic. Many high latitude species dependent on sea ice are being forced to adapt to changing habitats. Harp seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus) are an indicator species for changing high-latitude ecosystems. This study analyzed multiple factors ...

  3. Tuleň grónský (Pagophilus groenlandicus) je druh tuleně, jediný zástupce monotipyckého rodu Pagophilus. Popis [ editovat | editovat zdroj ] Hmotnost : 120–200 kg .

  4. Total length ¢. 160 - 170 cm; weight ¢. 120 - 135 kg. Newborns are c. 85 cm in length and weigh c. 4 kg. Male Harp Seals can be slightly larger than females. Harp Seals are moderate-sized phocid carnivores, with robust bodies and relatively small heads.

  5. A fókafélék tartozó grönlandi fókát (Pagophilus groenlandicus) nem mindenki sorolja a számára elkülönített Pagophilus (Gray, 1844) nembe: a rendszerezők egy része szerint a többi Phoca között van a helye (Phoca groenlandica).

  6. The long muzzle tapers slightly, and in adults, can appear upturned. The eyes are close-set and there is a slight dip to the forehead. The flippers are relatively small. The foreflippers are slightly pointed and angular, with a short row of digit endings. The claws are strong and dark.

  7. The harp seal or saddleback seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus) is a species of earless seal native to the northernmost Atlantic Ocean and parts of the Arctic Ocean. It now belongs to the monotypic genus Pagophilus. Its scientific name means 'ice-lover from Greenland', and its synonym, Phoca groenlandica means 'Greenland seal'. Originally in the genus Phoca with a number of other species, it has ...