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  1. Equinox Prime & Wukong Prime. Con Resurgimiento Prime, ahora puedes actualizar más rápido tu arsenal con warframes y equipamiento Prime, agilizando el acceso a los objetos Prime que deseas. ¡Aprovecha Resurgimiento Prime para agregar a tu colección los objetos Prime, pináculo de la tecnología orokin, con mayor frecuencia y más opciones ...

  2. For the China-exclusive variant, see Excalibur/Umbra Prime. Release Date: June 15th, 2018 Excalibur Umbra is the Umbra variant of Excalibur, sporting higher armor and energy, as well as three polarities while losing a . Unique to Umbra is his display of sentience, allowing him to fight on his own when not piloted by the Operator. He was first released in the Chinese build of WARFRAME as ...

  3. Excalibur Prime è la variante Prime di Excalibur che possiede statistiche più potenti: maggiore armatura, una polarità e una polarità Aura . Excalibur Prime è un Warframe esclusivo dei Founder. Questo Warframe non è più ottenibile e non lo sarà mai più a causa della sua natura esclusiva del pacchetto Founder. Excalibur Prime era ottenibile facendo il potenziamento dell'account ...

  4. Excalibur Prime est une Édition Limitée étant dans le pack Fondateurs. Ces capacités sont identiques à celle d' Excalibur à l'exception d'un emplacement pour mod qui possède une polarité en plus, la régénération est aussi en peu plus rapide. Pour ce qui concerne le level-up du compte, Excalibur et Prime sont considérés comme 2 ...

  5. Excalibur Prime,空刃 Prime和 拉托 Prime是創始人禮包的獨占物品。 該戰甲已絕版,並且日後也無法再次獲得(因為此戰甲為創始人禮包獨占項目)。 Excalibur Prime只能通過升級遊戲帳戶至尋獵者或以上級别的創始人狀態來獲取(現已無法達成)。

  6. Excalibur Prime ist der Inbegriff von Mobilität und Offensive und besitzt die selben Kräfte wie Excalibur, hat aber einzigartige Mod-Polaritäten, was eine bessere Anpassung erlaubt. Codex-Eintrag : Excalibur Prime. Excalibur Prime bietet eine zusätzliche Polarität und mehr Rüstung, sowie eine weitere Polarität im Auraslot.

  7. Wrathful Advance Red Crit Excalibur. Excalibur Prime is the epitome of mobility and offense, and features the same abilities as Excalibur, but has unique mod polarities installed allowing for greater customization. Exalted Blade Augment: Exalted Blade's Damage Type changes depending on Excalibur's Emissive Color, and Status Chance is increased ...