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  1. Carlos I de Austria ( Karl von Habsburg-Lothringen; en húngaro: IV Károly; Persenburg, 17 de agosto de 1887 1 - Funchal, 1 de abril de 1922) fue el último emperador del Imperio austrohúngaro y rey de Bohemia y Croacia, entre 1916 y 1918. Fue conocido como Carlos I de Austria, IV de Hungría, III de Bohemia y IV de Croacia.

  2. Charles I (19 November 1600 – 30 January 1649) [a] was King of England, Scotland, and Ireland from 27 March 1625 until his execution in 1649. Charles was born into the House of Stuart as the second son of King James VI of Scotland, but after his father inherited the English throne in 1603, he moved to England, where he spent much of the rest ...

  3. 14 de oct. de 2019 · English: Grand Duke Charles of Austria, the later Emperor Charles I of Austria (R 1916-1918) Deutsch: Erzherzog Karl von Österreich, der spätere Kaiser Karl I. (reg. 1916-1918) Español: El archiduque Carlos de Austria, quien más tarde será el emperador Carlos I de Austria (de 1916 a 1918)

  4. Charles I of Austria or Karl I of Austria was the last emperor of Austria and Bohemia from 1918 to 1922. He is also called Blessed Charles. He was also king of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. When Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated, Charles became the Crown Prince of Austria.

  5. After Miklós Horthy was chosen Regent of Hungary on 1 March 1920, Charles I of Austria, who reigned in Hungary as Charles IV, made two unsuccessful attempts to retake the throne. His attempts are also called the "First" and "Second Royal coups d'état " ( Hungarian : első és második királypuccs ) respectively.

  6. Charles II, Archduke of Austria. Charles II Francis of Austria ( German: Karl II. Franz von Innerösterreich) (3 June 1540 – 10 July 1590) was an Archduke of Austria and a ruler of Inner Austria ( Styria, Carniola, Carinthia and Gorizia) from 1564. He was a member of the House of Habsburg .

  7. This is a list of heads of government under Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria. Franz Joseph was born on 18 August 1830 and died on 21 November 1916, his imperial reign lasted from 2 December 1848 to 21 November 1916. His predecessor was Ferdinand I & V and his successor was Charles I & IV.