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  1. Hace 3 días · Best known for his controversial role as the American ambassador to South Vietnam from 1963 to 1967, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. also served in a variety of other diplomatic positions as well as in the U.S. Senate during his long career in Republican politics.

  2. Hace 2 días · However, one bright spot for the GOP was in Massachusetts, in which Democratic Governor James M. Curley got no support in his bid for the Senate from FDR because he was corrupt, and as a result the leading namesake of the WASPs (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, if you are younger and somehow unfamiliar with the term) of Massachusetts, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. (1902-1985), was elected.

  3. Hace 1 día · Senate Republicans led by Henry Cabot Lodge wanted a League with the reservation that only Congress could take the U.S. into war. Lodge gained a majority of Senators and Wilson refused to allow a compromise.

  4. Hace 1 día · Nixon then chose former Massachusetts Senator and United Nations Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., as his vice presidential running mate. Nixon chose Lodge because his foreign-policy credentials fit into Nixon's strategy to campaign more on foreign policy than domestic policy, which he believed favored the Democrats.

  5. Hace 3 días · He endorsed the proposed Federal Elections Bill written by Representative Henry Cabot Lodge and Senator George Frisbie Hoar in 1890, but the bill was defeated in the Senate. After the bill failed to pass, Harrison continued to speak in favor of African American civil rights in addresses to Congress.

  6. Hace 2 días · In 1897 President Grover Cleveland vetoed legislation requiring a literacy test for would-be immigrants proposed by Massachusetts Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, declaring, "I cannot believe that we would be protected against these [alleged evils of unrestricted immigration] by limiting immigration to those who can read and write in any ...

  7. Hace 3 días · The makers of the Constitution constructed the federal government upon a theory of checks and balances which was meant to limit the operation of each part and allow to no single part or organ of it a dominating force; but no government can be successfully conducted upon so mechanical a theory.

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    Henry Cabot Lodge wikipedia