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  1. Hace 4 días · The atheism dispute was a controversy that erupted in the German intellectual scene during the 18th century in response to the publication of an essay by Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Exploring the relationship between belief and reason, the essay challenged fundamental religious dogma, triggering a fierce public debate that led to Fichte ...

  2. Hace 4 días · In 1811, the philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte, serving as rector of the University of Jena, endorsed the “free investigation of every object of thought” as a universal human right essential to the pursuit of scholarship.

  3. Hace 13 horas · Zu den eindrucksvollsten Beispielen der Identitätspolitik gehören die «Reden an die deutsche Nation» von Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Sie basieren auf Vorlesungen, ...

  4. Hace 1 día · Just like in his other essays written at the time, Carlyle aims at introducing German Romantic aesthetic and philosophical thought to Britain, particularly that by the likes of Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Schlegel, Novalis, and Johann Gottlieb Fichte. In the essay, Carlyle famously describes the 1820s as a “mechanical age.”

  5. Hace 3 días · The Dorotheenstädtischer Friedhof first came into the limelight with the burial of Johann Gottlieb Fichte about 200 years ago. With the subsequent burial of Karl Friedrich Schinkel and later Bertolt Brecht, it became an attractive resting place for personalities from intellectual life.

  6. Hace 5 días · Previously divided into numerous independent states eminent figures like Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Ernst Moritz Arndt advanced the idea of a unified German nation inspiring a sense of national identity and common heritage. Activism for liberal reforms spread through many of the German states each of which had distinct revolutions.

  7. Hace 2 días · Oktober 1889 nennt Fontane »das Romantische« seine »Lieblingsgattung« und stellt es als solche noch über die »realistische [ ] Schule« (»Zola, Turgenjew, Tolstoi, Ibsen«), indem er »die Romantik« von einer »falsche [n] Romantik« unterscheidet: »Der Sieg des Realismus«, schreibt Fontane, »schafft die Romantik nicht aus der Welt.

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