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  1. Hace 1 día · Karl Rahner continues to be discussed even 40 years after his death. Born on March 5, 1904, in Freiburg, Breisgau, Germany, he entered the Society of Jesus on April 20, 1922, and died on March 30, 1984, in Innsbruck, Austria, a few weeks after turning 80. Arriving in the Tyrolean capital in the ...

  2. Hace 3 días · Karl Rahner, en medio de un artículo denso y técnico sobre la muerte, nos sorprende con las siguentes palabras bellas: La muerte oculta en sí misma todos los misterios del ser humano...

  3. Hace 5 días · Todo esto ocurrió hasta que el genio de Karl Rahner apareció en escena y, junto a otros pensadores teológicos de la primera mitad del siglo XX, introdujo el llamado giro antropológico y el...

  4. Hace 4 días · This would echo an older tradition voiced, for example, by Evagrios in patristic times and Vladimir Lossky and Karl Rahner in modern times. One way of understanding this would be to begin with the phenomenon of spirituality and to view mysticism as spirituality’s radically transformative expression.

  5. Hace 1 día · First, as Karl Rahner poetically explains, it is a way of accepting that in the torment of the insufficiency of everything attainable we ultimately learn that here in this life there is no finished symphony. Grieving is also, as Rachel Naomi Remen writes, a critical way of self-care. Not to grieve, she submits, is a denial of our own wholeness.

  6. Hace 4 días · 2004 wurde der 100. Geburtstag von Karl Rahner groß begangen: Tagungen, Symposien, Akademieveranstaltungen. 2009 war sein 25. Todestag. Die Corona-Pandemie hat die Rahner Lecture ausgebremst. 2024 fand wieder eine statt. Vor vierzig Jahren, am 30. März 1984, ist Karl Rahner verstorben. Der Theologe Thomas Ruster meint: »Die Epoche Rahners ist endgültig vorbei. So endgültig wie etwas

  7. Hace 1 día · Theologians such as Karl Rahner argued for an “Open Catholicism”, that is, “a certain attitude towards the present-day pluralism of powers with different outlooks on the world” (Rahner and Kruger 1970).

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