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  1. Hace 5 horas · Thomas Hobbes fue un filósofo inglés nacido el 5 de abril de 1588 en Westport, Wiltshire. Su obra más famosa, "Leviatán", se publicó en 1651 en un periodo de intensas guerras civiles en Inglaterra. Hobbes es conocido por sus contribuciones a la filosofía política, la teoría de la historia y la filosofía de la naturaleza. Obras ...

  2. Hace 4 días · En relación al pacto social es interesante resaltar las diferencias que Locke mantenía con la teoría de su predecesor Thomas Hobbes. Tal como se indicó en su momento, Hobbes sostenía que el...

  3. Hace 5 días · El materialismo de Hobbes se refiere, en realidad, al análisis de los objetos materiales y no a las cuestiones metafísicas o a la creencia de que sólo exista la materia, que ésta sea eterna...

  4. Are Thomas Hobbes' works like Leviathan considered useful or not to paternalists? Especially his warning of "the war of every man against every man" in his works?

  5. Hace 3 días · Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), he was an english philosopher that was best known because he was the first to comprehend and express the new scientific view of humans and their place in the Universe. He believed that animals were just machines and believed that there were no spiritual substances. Hobbes thought that only matter existed and the ...

  6. Hace 2 días · 2 The views expressed here by Skinner, as well as some other ideas discussed below, appear to be in line with the philosophy of Thomas Hobbes. Fleeting references to Hobbes (Skinner Citation 1957 , 335; Citation 1974 , 133; Citation 1979 , 134) indicate that Skinner was familiar with the work of the English philosopher.

  7. Hace 2 días · Tyrannical nations and governments — Remember how Thomas Hobbes named his 1651 treatise on the power of the state Leviathan? He explicitly quoted Job 41:33 and focused his work on defending an absolute monarchy. Before Hobbes, Egypt was compared to a sea monster (Isaiah 30:7; Ezekiel 29:3; 32:2), as was the empire of Babylon (Isaiah 14:4, 20).

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