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  1. Hace 2 días · In 1953, Samuel Beckett wrote the tragicomedy, “Waiting for Godot,” a play that explores the futility of life in a world where there is little practical agency for the individual. The play centers on Vladimir and Estragon, who in a sparse and barren landscape, discuss and debate topics ranging from philosophy and religion, to where they will find their next meal.

  2. Hace 5 días · Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot can be seen from the perspective of the disciplined will that allows us to learn and gain knowledge. It seems ruthless to realize that that is what enables our wisdom to grow even more. Estragon seems to always be in pain with some physical ailment. Vladimir is a bit more rational, but he insists on waiting ...

  3. Hace 4 días · «Esperando a Godot» de Samuel Beckett «La casa de Bernarda Alba» de Federico García Lorca; Estas obras son consideradas clásicos del teatro y han sido representadas y estudiadas en todo el mundo. ¿Es posible adaptar una obra de teatro larga para que tenga solo 4 personajes?

  4. Hace 23 horas · Join us for the next meeting of The Classics Book Club, where we discuss great, shorter works that continue to inspire and help us make meaning of the world. Copies of Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett are available at the 2nd floor info desk.

  5. A few years back I read Beckett's Waiting for Godot, which had me reflecting on some of its points. Later I wrote a short essay which got buried in other writings I was working on at that time. The following is a short excerpt of what I wrote. The rest can be found on my blog.

  6. Hace 3 días · Antes de conocer a Concepción saqué de la biblioteca una extraña novela de Samuel Beckett que me atrajo por el título y porque no era muy larga. Conocía al autor porque habíamos hecho en el instituto una lectura dramatizada de Esperando a Godot.

  7. Hace 5 días · Aspettando Godot di Samuel Beckett. Vladimir ed Estragon aspettano un certo Godot, in una desolata strada di campagna. Loro parlano, discutono, litigano, ma nulla accade attorno a loro. Godot non arriva mai, perchè secondo l'autore la vita dell'essere umano è questo: il niente.