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  1. Hace 2 días · Hungary in its modern (post-1946) borders roughly corresponds to the Great Hungarian Plain (the Pannonian Basin) in Central Europe.. During the Iron Age, it was located at the crossroads between the cultural spheres of Scythian tribes (such as Agathyrsi, Cimmerians), the Celtic tribes (such as the Scordisci, Boii and Veneti), Dalmatian tribes (such as the Dalmatae, Histri and Liburni) and the ...

  2. Hace 2 días · This is a list of all present sovereign states in Europe and their predecessors, [1] [2] [3] according to the concept of succession of states. The political borders of Europe are difficult to define. The geographical borders between Europe and Asia are generally agreed to be the Caucasus Mountains, the Ural Mountains, the Bosphorus ...

  3. › wiki › UngarnUngarn – Wikipedia

    Hace 4 días · Ungarn besteht aus 19 Komitaten und der Hauptstadt Budapest. Im Westen, an Österreich grenzend, liegen die Komitate Győr-Moson-Sopron und Vas, die landschaftlich besonders durch ihre Voralpenhügel gekennzeichnet sind. Etwas weiter im Osten, beim Plattensee, liegen die Komitate Veszprém, Somogy und Fejér und nördlich davon das Komitat ...

  4. Hace 4 días · Le Porajmos, Porrajmos (littéralement « dévorer » en romani ), samudaripen ou génocide tsigane est l'entreprise de persécutions et d' extermination des ethnies roms 1 (ou sinté, manouches, gitans, yéniches, kalderash, etc.) appelés « Tsiganes » ( Zigeuner en allemand), nomades, sédentaires ou semi-sédentaires 2 pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale...

  5. Hace 5 días · This article contains a list of named passenger trains in the United States, with names beginning N through R. [1]

  6. Hace 1 día · 14 марта — в Риге скончался первый президент Латвии Янис Чаксте [3]; 8 апреля — новым президентом Латвии стал Густав Земгалс [3]; 20 апреля — новым премьер-министром Японии стал генерал Гиити ...

  7. Hace 2 días · Country Facts. Capital, Population, Government... The June 1920 elections to the first Reichstag reflected the difficulties in which the new democracy found itself.